Chapter 9

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The job wasn't exactly the best job, you thought as Coran pulled out a few objects. You realized with some shock that they were silver. Like the Earth silver. Tarnished and everything. You inwardly groaned. 

"Now, Number 6 I have you cleaning a few silver objects. I want them nice and sparkly", you glowered at him as he beamed at you, "Don't worry there's not that much", he made a vague gesture of 'look around' as he stepped back a few paces. Peeling your eyes away from the silver objects you scanned your eyes around the room. 

This must be some kind of trophy room, you grimaced as you took in every shelved glass cabinet. Everything that looked silver was upon it. 


"Not that much?!", you turned your gaze towards Coran, 

"That's right. Alfor's wife loved her silver collection and so Alfor had this silver room put in just to please her".


"You mean to tell me that there was more silver", Coran beamed, 

"Now you're getting it. Usually the servants would come in and clean around- but I guess- they're gone now", Coran's usual sparkle spluttered.  They must have been Alteans. A twinge of guilt twisted in your gut. "But you have nothing else to do. So this will keep you with something to do while the others train. I'll be checking the fire suppressors." And COran was gone without saying another word. A sigh escaped you. This certainly was not what you had planned. 

Scanning the room you made your way over to the gathered objects that Coran had selected for you to clean first. All just as equally tarnished and filthy. 

It would be like working back at the local market, but not getting paid. Picking up an object that looked quiet pretty despite the tarnish, you  scanned the room again looking for a rag and chemical to clean with. 

Nothing. Making a snort from your mouth, you made your way to the door Coran had just left from. He was gone. Grimacing you made your way around the small antechamber looking for any signs of a cleaning cupboard. To you delight it wasn't that hard to find. 

Setting the rag to the silver you lost yourself to the work. You didn't even realise when Allura had turned on the Castles defenses.

A knock. And you jumped, dropping the small silver flower engraved cup. A snort of laughter as LAnce made his way in, his face twisted in boysih miscief. His paladin uniform made him look... scrawny. You let a laugh through your nose. 

"Having fun there?" he grinned as he made his way over, you shrugged. 

"You look like you having fun yourself", he made a face. 

"Coran wants you on the training deck with us. Apparently you're going to be... I don't know commentary" Lance grumbled as he picked up the silver object and looked around the room. "Is this all you've been doing?', he asked, 

Your mouth flew open. 

"All I've been doing? Excuse me I think I have done a spectacular job at polishing silverware. What have you been doing?" you place your hands on your hips, 

"Trying to be yalmors because apparently we all need to be close to form Voltron,"

"I thought you always wanted to be apart of something. To be close to a group of people?" Lance made a sound in his throat as he carried the remaining silverware to the open cabinet. 

"Nah. This stuff seems to big for me,"

"You don't know that. Anyway " you bumped your shoulder into his, "Your ego will fit in with this 'bigness' that you're talking about," Lance grinned, like her words had cheered him up. 

"We'd better get going. Keith said to be quick."


Keith was seated beside you his face in a set of concentration as he looked down at the visible map that he could see. Lance looked lost as he looked around the room. Coran spoke. 

"To form Voltron, you must trust each other. This ancient paladin maze will teach you that trust. Your teammate can see the walls, but you cannot. So , listen carefully. If you touch the walls, you'll get a light shock," Coran sounded like he was lying, you thought with some concern as you looked down at Lance. 

"Wait. Who's getting me through?" Lance asked, his voice raised curiously, within a heartbeat and no name, Keith responded. 

"Take two steps forward", Lance groaned, 

"Oh no. Not Keith. Why does he get to be the man on the mic?" Lance didn't try to hid his distrust as he made a face. 

"Now, just sit tight. You'll get your turn", Coran stated simply,

"Like I said, take two steps forward, turn right, and take three steps that direction", Keith repeated, Lance cried in fright as a sound of crackling electricity sounded throughout the training deck, 

"You did that on purpose!", Lance yells from the bottom his face twisted into a set of no concealed betrayal. You looked at Coran, 

"A slight shock?", You hissed at Coran, he gave a slight apologetic look, 

"You're not listening", Keith insisted, his brows coming together in irritation. 

"You said 'Turn right'."

"But before I said , "Take two steps forward."Keith stated again, his brows coming closer together, his finger on his lip. Lance looked agitated himself as he muttered to himself. 

"Two steps-" Another cry of pain as Lance walked into a wall and the same electrical crackling filled the air. Lance turned around his face wild as he screeched at Keith, pain evident on his face. "We're switching places right now!". 

A bubble of laughter escaped you and Lance gave a betrayed expression. Keith eyes turned towards you as his steeled face broke into a frown. He had clearly not approved of the laughter. But a small light in his eyes gave away that he actually didn't know what to think of it. 

He was like silver. Tarnished and pale. 

He needed a better clean up. Over time Silver needed that to.  His hair was absolutely ridiculous. A mullet. That was 1970's staff. And this is not 1970's clearly, you thought in a bemused way as you studied the technology around you. Trying to avoid the purple eyes, like one of the colours that silver became after awhile. You mentally slapped yourself. 

It was no use in trying to romanticize him, when all he could do was scowl you realized with some disdain. he probably wouldn't like the comparison anyway. Maybe he'd like to be compared to a wolf or something. 

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