Chapter 20

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You wondered the castle, not really gathering or processing information liked yo hoped you would. You hoped that this would all stop. It was already to confusing. Time slowed again, you knew it this time. You felt it in your gut as you collapsed and was back into the world that you didn't want to come to you. 

"Y/N! Breakfast! Oh I see you had a sleep." Nurse Holt stated calmly, she gave you a smile. "Your parents came in, just prefly before they headed off to work." She commented as she got out a table that was then put in front of you. The food looked, good. Not the best, goo was maybe even better than this. Your stomach growled loudly, and hesitantly you took the knife into your hand and began to eat. It was delicious. Much better than food goo. Nurse Holt smiled. "OKay, so now that you're feeding yourself I was thinking that you will like to play a game."

"On what?" You asked, you voice muffled due to the pancakes stuffed into your mouth. 

"This." She grinned as she produced a hologram, way beyond the technology that the Voltron Earth seemed to have. "My husband made it before he left. Wanted Pidge to have it so they could communicate but it also plays games and what not on it." Nurse Holt was lovely. You grinned. "It helps focus the brain and gets your sluggish brain more wired together. For awhile there it was scrambles."

"How?" Nurse Holt froze. "Please. I know it's probably not part of your protocol to tell patients the inner details especially when they've got parents to tell, but I think it would ease my brain if I was told what was going on." She looked at the door as she tabbed on the screen. "All of it." She sat back, her back straightened as she smoothed her hair. 

"You were delirious. Speaking nonsense as some would say."

"You don't think so?" You knew that look. She believed every word that had pored out of your mouth during your coma. Every single one. Could coma people even speak? You didn't think so. This was beyond weird.

"My husband was a very good scientist, the man assigned to be his poliet was a good man. He is not stupid enough to fly into an asteroid." So she believed that her husband was connected somehow. Hmmm. 

"What did you hear?" Nurse Holt stood up and closed the door. 

"Doctor Gray believed that if you heard whatever you had been speaking again that it could affect you again."

"So what was it. I don't care if it sends be back to whatever. I survived 17 years of it I can do it again."


"No please tell me." You pleaded. Whatever was on her mind, whatever had been bothering her for awhile meant that it had to be something. The Holt's weren't that stupid. 

"You kept saying 'Voltron'. Y/N. You knew my daughters nickname, you knew her. Now..." Nurse Holt sat down. " had never meet her before, Y/N. You mentioned Shiro... Shiro worked with Samuel for awhile. Keith... well he only moved in after you went into a coma, so how could you know them?" She gave you a look. She would never believe you even if you told her. Supernatural was proof enough for that. "Y/N, you mentioned a Garrison. Galaxy Garrison. Y/N... that was only in the planning, it never took flight as they thought it would be useless." You looked away. "You spoke about aliens, Y/N. PLease tell me what you dreamed of. what you thought of."

"I don't remember anything."

"Y/N. I know you're lying. With you thinking that your parents were dead, Katie mentioned to me that you knew stuff about everyone, that you slipped."

"So Katie's your little spy?"

"No. She came in a few times while you were deep in. She wanted to see how you were going."

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