Chapter 11

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Carah is a pretty dog, even in this dream before she had turned old and had died a tragic death. Your real mother is alive and happy, waving from the front porch, a Christmas present in hand. Behind her Stacey and your father sit against the wall, laughing and holding hands. Your brother is chasing Carah, as she bounds along the path. In the distance a horse is neighing for something, maybe a foal going on the ween. You're wearing a summer dress, something that you wouldn't be caught wearing at school. It was something that you only wore in summer, away from the boys and girls of the highschool life. It was a pretty pale pink, something your biological mother had bought you for your 13th. She would only live one more year. This never happened. My father died on an oil rig when I was eight, my mother died soon after. Your dreams don't care, even if your mind does. It was fake. They never made it to my 13th. But you were happy so why did it have to change? Carah was baying from the backyard, your brother screaming at her to chase him. 




And you awoke.... in a cold sweat. The sheets tangled and entwined with your legs. Tears streamed your face. You didn't even know if that was what your mother and father looked like. You could barely remember them, even if there were photos that Stacey had put around the house to remind you what they had looked like. Swinging your legs off the bed, you made your way over to the small set of draws that the princess had placed in there, similar dresses to what you had been wearing for the past couple of days. At least the princess had thought of that. It was then that you decided to take a shower, a very cold shower. Maybe your thoughts would vanish. The very vivid thoughts. You shook yourself, your feet already making its way towards the shower. 

Just like you had thought, the shower had helped and you had come out refreshed. It was much better. Licking your lips you made your way to the dining hall where mostly everyone was seated, except for Keith. Breakfast. 

"Ah Y/N. Your awake!" Coran exclaimed as he bustled about going about his tasks, which turned out to be setting out a few things for you to eat with. "Breakfast is ready." You eyes the food goo and seated yourself. 

"Is this even eatable?" You asked Hunk, he shrugged while shoveling it down. 

"Beats me."

"Fair enough." If it hadn't poisoned anyone now it wouldn't poison you. Taking a little taster you found it to not taste that bad, except the texture was borderline gross. Something like custard or jelly but not quite the same firmness. You had never been fond of squishy food. Distracted you managed to eat the food without much thought, making it more manageable to keep yourself from finding a reason to throw it back up. 

"It grows on you," Hunk finally put it as he finished and sat back, a stupid grin on his face. 

"OKay after everyone's eaten I would like for the Paladins to keep training, while Y/N I'd like your help with something," Allura announced. "And where's Keith?"

"Sorry. He might be asleep. He goes to bed late and then sleeps in. I'll go and get him." Shiro stated softly as he gave a friendly smile and exited the room to find Keith. Your stomach lurched from the consistency of the new food. What if it was poison? You yawned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and stood up. 

"What do you want me doing, Allura?" you asked. 

"I need your help crawling through the vents to help me get some more things working inside the castle." You nodded, feeling the swift disappointment that is was still help with technology. You pushed back your hair and tied it up with your hair tie. 

The alarms, you figured, would be loud. But not this loud. Making your way to the dining hall where apparently everyone had gathered to quench their hunger from their morning training, you counted in your head how many vents that you had crawled through and how many defense algorithms within the castles computers that you had seen. It didn't help that it was all Altean. Everyone, except Pidge and Shiro were making their way to the foyer. You frowned at Lance, sho seemed to have become flushed. He spied you out and grinned, 

"There's a local Arusian! Come!" Lance beckoned her over to where the door was opening. Peering outside you were able to see nothing, maybe they're invisible people, you thought sheepishly. 

"Greetings. We know you're there. No harm will come to you." Allura called from where she stood, her face bright as she offered a comforting smile. The creature, which was something small, chubby and appearing to have... like horns.... brandishes weapon for all to see. Hunk beside her made a sound that could only be described that Hunk thought that the locals were cute. Keith made a face as he determinedly stepped in between Allura and the local, you almost laughed. It was pathetic. What was it going to do? Stab you in the leg?

"Wait! He could be dangerous. Drop your weapon!"

"No one takes Klaizap's weapon!" the local Arusian stated aggressively as it could. You felt a similar reaction that mimicked Hunk's previous actons rise into your throat. It was so adorable. Like a puppy, that could stand on its hind legs. 

"Keith, put that away! Please, kind sir, accept my most humble apologies." Keith made a sound in his throat as he relented and stepped back, the gesture calming Klaizap. 

"I am Klaizap, bravest of our warriors. Our village is over Gazrel Hill. I come seeking answers as to why the Lion Goddess is angered with her followers." 

"Followers?" Coran asked, clearly as confused as you felt. It almost sounded like someone had written a book and the fans had taken it way to seriously. 

"Lion Goddess?" Hunk asked. Way to seriously, you thought with some disdain. 

"The one the ancients spoke of." Klaizap explained, obviously trying to jog a few memories that weren't there. He gestured to a carving upon a rock, from which he had been hiding behind not a few moments gone. 

 "What makes you think she's angered?" Allura asked. 

 "Destruction is everywhere. In the past few suns, fire has rained from the heavens and a giant has danced in the sky." He seemed to look at the sky while he said so. Like he feared the Lion Goddess would come down and rain fire upon him. Hunk leaned into Lance. 

"I think he's talking about Voltron."

"Yeah, I got that." Lance grunted almost irritably, 

 "You have not angered the Lion Goddess." Allura confirmed. 

 "How can you be certain?"

"Because I am Allura and this is my Castle." Allura beamed as she gestured to the castle, which towered over the little local. 

"Huh?! Lion Goddess!" And Klaizap bowed, appearing flustered Allura gave a pained smile. 

 "Please, bravest warrior, take us to your village so that we may meet our neighbors." A rush of hope pummeled through you. They were going outside? You could go outside? 

"What about our mission to get off this planet and fight Zarkon?" Keith asked. You threw him a dirty look, hoping that he could feel the thoughts radiating from you. How dare he ruin this chance of freedom. Allura smoothed her clothes. 

"Part of the Paladins' mission is to spread peace and diplomacy. Arus has been our host for 10,000 years. These people deserve our thanks." Allura confirmed as she began to make her way to the castle. You hesitated. 

"Allura can I-?" you asked, toeing the line between castle and dirt. She turned to you, a smile on her face. 

"Yes, please come. You're welcome. Just because you don't control one of the lions doesn't make you of any lower importance. Enjoy the fresh air." A surge of warmth filled you as you stepped out into the sun. Shivering against the goosebumps that rose over your flesh as you were suddenly brought into contact with the live world, you followed into step with the paladins, princess and Coran. Maybe this stupid mission of helping Voltron wouldn't go to waste after all?


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