Chapter 6

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"Princess, there are five of these Lions. How are we going to find the rest?", you could almost hear the words unsaid 'There are 6 of us and 5 of them. What happens to the other one?'. We followed Allura and ginger man to the castle Bridge where a giant crystal hung above. "King Alfor connected the Lions to Allura's life form. She alone is the key to the Lions whereabouts", the ginger man stated. Allura had her hands upon these two things that looked like control.... sticks? She seemed to activate something as she concentrated, a whole universe displayed itself around them. "Whoa!", you even felt a little breathless yourself, even when you had not a couple of hours ago not believed in aliens or the supernatural. "These are... coordinates. The Black Lion looks like it's in the same location as the Blue Lion", Pidge stated as he took in the picture of the Black and Blue Lion.

"Look at your primitive synapses firing away in their little brain cage", the ginger man grinned at Pidge who didn't look the least but pleased, "Very observant. That's because the Black Lion is in the Castle",

"To keep the Black Lion out of Zarkons hands, King Alfor locked it in the Castle. It can only be freed if the other four Lions are present", again the ginger man explained, one of us is going to miss out, and you had a feeling it was you. You where the only one that hadn't seen this Voltron thing in the cave. "As yo u have found, the Lions choose their pilots. It is a mystical bond and cannot be forced. The Quintessence of the pilot is mirrored in his Lion. Together, they form something greater than science can explain.", Allura waved her hand sending it towards Shiro.

"The Black Lion is the decisive head of Voltron. It will take a pilot who is a born leader and in control at all times, someone whose men will follow without hesitation. That is why, Shiro, you will pilot the Black Lion", again with the swipe of her hand another Lion appeared and we to Pidge,

"The Green Lion has an inquisitive personality and needs a pilot of intellect and dairing. Pidge, you will pilot the Green Lion. The Blue Lion-",

"-Whop, hold up, let me guess. Tales the most handsome slash best pilot of the bunch?", Lance was smiling at Allura, Allura didin't look anywhere near pleased. "The Yellow Lion is caring and kind...", with another swipe of her hand a yellow Lion went towards Hunk, "It's pilot is one who puts the needs of others above his own. His heart must be mighty. As the leg of Voltron, you will lift the team up and hold them together", Hunk looked shocked almost onto the point where he was frightened as he pointed to himself. "The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master. It's faster and more agile than the others, but also the most unstable. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone. Keith you will fly the Red Lion-", Lance scoffed as he made a face at Keith,

"What? That guy?", they glared at each other,

"Unfortunately. I cannot locate the Red's Lions coordinates yet. There must be something wrong with the Castle. After 10,000 years, it... might need some work",

"Don't worry, we'll find it soon. They don't call me 'The Coranic' for nothing. It's because it sounds like 'Mechanic'. So Cornaic, mechanic. Its not.... It doesn't't sound... exactly like it. It's similar" The holograms roared and began to charge together to form Voltron. "Once all the Lions are united, you will form Voltron, the most powerful warrior ever known, the Defender of the Universe", Everyone was caught up into their awe about everything. Hunk was voicing his concerns already. Shiro shushed him, "You know we don't have much time. Pidge and I will go after the Green Lion. Lance, you take Hunk and get the yellow one. Keith and Y/N, you stay here. If you locate the Red Lion, go get it", Shiro gave you an almost sympathetic look. It made the feeling in your gut worse. 'In the meantime. I'll get this Castle defenses ready. They'll be sorely needed",

"I'll ready a pod and load in the coordinates so that you can reach the Green Lion", you looked up at caught Allura's eye, who only seemed to notice you where there. "And may I please speak to you", she looked directly at you. Everyone was in a flurry as they went to where the Blue Lion and the pods waited, so no one noticed except Lance who gave you a curious look. A look that didn't hold any sympathy at all, a look that suggested that they would talk about it later. You followed the princess to as she beckoned you over. You scuttled over, particularly because you where kind of intimidated by her and particularly because you where confused on your role here. Maybe they could drop me off home, you thought. Allura was speaking again. "Now....", she turned towards you. Her blue eyes taking you in, "...Y/N. I have a different task for you.", you knew what she was probably seeing. A person that was still in their work uniform, looking tidy and clean. To her she was probably confused of the logo on the shirt.

"It's a work shirt", you informed her, she look unimpressed.

"Lets find you some clothing. Those clothes look.....",

"Hideous?", I finished off,

"Precisely. Now follow me. Coran can you try ans get the Castle up to speed",

"Yes princess", the ginger man, now known as Coran stated, Keith was off to the side scowling as per usual. Allura was talking again as you followed her. "Now your part of the mission is to help Voltron. It is obvious that most of the team trusts you. They certainly don't trust me, yet", Allura seemed doubtful. She opened a door, that was when you realized that you couldn't even see where you had come from. "In here", Allura was rummaging around in her draws, finding something suitable.

"I know that you want to be out in the field with your friends but I think that you'd mostly be in the castle", she produced a dress, a very pretty dress. (Sorry if any guys are reading this but it's female. Sorry) "I wore this when I was younger and I didn't have the heart to... have it redone", she handed you the dress. "You can get dressed in here. I'll be in the Control Room". You wanted to ask the directions back but she was already gone. You stood there for a few moments and considered the dress. Really? Trying the dress on you where surprised it did fit you. She must of been like 10 when she had this, you thought sourly. You didn't know where to put your clothing. So you folded them and placed them in a corner. The door opened as you went out. All you saw where hallways. Al of which looked identical. You couldn't even remember where you had come from. You considered shouting out but thought better of it as you knew it could be your time to explore this Castle. You lost track of time before you heard footsteps. Keith came around the corner. "There you are Y/N".

Okay. Y/N will have a much bigger role later. It's just things need to be revealed for it to happen!! I promises it's not just going to be sitting around in a castle helping Voltron. 

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