Chapter 4

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You had fallen asleep on Keith's couch, you hadn't meant to until you were awoken by Lance shacking you awake. "Come on Y/N. Time to go. We're going to check something out", you groaned. You had never been a morning person, even when you had work. Wait work! You sat up with a jolt and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. Your shoes had been taken off, probably Lance. So putting them back on you made your way outside where the rest of the group were waiting. Lance followed you outside. "We're going to to check something out that Keith's been working on", you raised an eyebrow at him. "Not my idea but Hunk offered to help with this new device he made", You nodded to him. The sun had risen and was now beating his heat down on the group in the wee hours of the morning. "SO we're are we going exactly?", you asked to no one in particular. You finished tying your lases, 'We're Hunks device take us", you looked up and almost beamed at the man. 'Shiro!", you took him in. He looked like the Shiro you had known but things had changed. Take his white fro-lock, and the scar upon the bridge of his nose for an example. "It's nice to see you again Shiro", you stated as you hugged him. He went ridged, but slowly began to relax into the hug. "The Market wasn't the same without you", you muttered, "Or the little bake days.", he gave a light chuckle. That's when you remembered his arm. You stiffened in turn when you felt the defiant difference between the two arms. Right he's got a mechanical arm, you reminded yourself. You pulled away and gave a smile. Not really wanting to show what you where thinking. What happened to his real arm? "Okay if you're ready we should go now", you turned towards the voice. Keith was scowling at you, his arms crossed and his feet close together. "Okay", you gave him a smile of which he seemed surprised to see. Pidge was playing with this device that Hunk had made, it almost looked like a detector of a sort. "I still believe that you are all crazy", Lance stretched almost cat like.

"Okay. I admit it. This is super freaky", Lance commented as the 'Voltron geezer Counter' went about its work with ticks and beeps. "I'm getting a reading", Hunk commented as he stood hunched over as he tried to read the reading. He almost pushed Pidge over as he made his way to the front as he began to race down (with Pidge in tow) to a cave. I rolled my eyes. You didn't believe in this supernatural, alien type of shit so you didn'y actually know why you tagged along, only that your heart was telling you to go. The cave had ancient looking markings on the walls. Lions. Big lions. 'What are these?", both you and Shiro asked at the same time, Shiro looked your way and you both gave each other a smile. "These are the lion carvings I was telling you about. They're everywhere around here". Keith answered, Lance was approaching one of the walls and touched it. It was so typical of Lance that you forgot to tell him 'stop'. They lite up, and when you mean 'they' you meant the carvings. "Whoa.... whoa", :Lance backed away from the wall,

"Heh, they've never done that before", Keith almost sounded worried mingled in with a bit of awe. The ground began to crack underneath you and the group, soon you were falling down. A scream toar its way trough your throat, as fear took over you. You landed in water. Coughing and spluttering you closed your eyes and tried to wipe away the water from your eyes. "They are everywhere", Lance stated, you stood up and was left speechless as you beheld a blue lion. It stood well above everyone's height. If you compared it, the lion would be bigger than Optimus Prime. You snorted, out of all things you think of that. "Is this it? Is this the Voltron?", Pidge asked,

"It.... must be" Shiro replied,

""This is whats been causing all this crazy energy out here", Keith commented as Keith made his way up to the mechanic lion. You had the urge to say 'don't'. "Looks like there's a force field around it", you followed closely behind Shiro, uncertain of what to feel. Things don't usually come up this easily without a consequence. 'Does anyone else get the feeling this is staring at them?",

"Hmm.... No", Shiro stated to Lance's question with a little bit of 'are you crazy' tone in his voice.

"Yeah. The eyes are totally following me", you took in a deep breath. With a sudden burst of energy, Keith ran up to the force field and placed his hand upon the surface. "I wonder how we get through this",

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