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The heart breaking call she dreaded since she could think straight. Her father.Dead.

her dad couldn't die he was strong, smart and intelligent he couldn't have died. this was john grey we are talking about the one and only strong brick wall that was keeping Becca standing strong. that was it she didn't have a mum.she died. she didn't have cousins shed known of, no siblings no nothing she was all alone.

"ma'am did you hear me?" the officer on the phone called out. "y-yeah um h-how w-when did this happen? how did he die?" she blabbered on thinking this was just a stupid prank call a sick stupid prank call. "w-well we don't have a proper reason for his death but it for now people think its a heart attack" he says. she could hear the lie in the phone how he stuttered in the beginning. she mentally scoffed. 

"where did this happen ?" she asks hoping he would answer truthfully this time.

"uh they said south" he stuttered again. at least get a good liar on the phone if your gonna lie about someones death.

tightening her eyes shut ,clenching the phone she had in her hand to stop her from sobbing uncontrollably . "thank you for the notification."

before she could get a reply back she hurled her phone to the wall near by making it smash in to smithereens.  

throwing anything that catches her eye weather its a cup,lamp mirror TV she through it all to the furthest wall trying to make her anguish,sadness,depression dissolve into thin air.nothing worked. until she found her fathers laptop in the back of the TV.hidden. she tilted her head to the left in confusion. she witnessed her dad being paranoid look each side before closing his office door ,while he was on the laptop from his daughter but she never knew he hid the electronic . she picked up the laptop carefully making sure she didn't break it like the TV did . sitting down at her desk opening the mac book . lock. the laptop had a lock. of course . her first try 1971. his birth year. incorrect try again. sighing in defeat she punched in her birth year. 1995. correct. sitting up straight she went to work. trying to find out what may have killed him that was so bad the police couldn't tell his own daughter. scrolling down his documents she found a folder labelled .


she double clicked on too eager to know.

the folder had all sorts of things.


not that long ago just a week ago before he left for his job in London. scrolling down more. word scatching her eye  assassinate, harry Peterson. in central London by twenty first of this month.killing over a hundred people in a year by slashing their jugular.highly leathful.

trembling with fear she sprung up from the laptop backing away trampling over broken objects. tears rolling down her cheeks. sweating bullets from her scalp. shaking her head denying it . Rethinking over and over again .he was murdered . by his target. her dad was an assassin, no wonder he was hiding stuff  from her. for fifteen years he didn't even mention his job to her once . Oblivious to her she just thought he worked at a crowded office . but that still didn't explain him coming home after being in a different continent or country. so it was true her father was an had to else would you explain the late calls at night and the locked cupboards.he was hiding folders and weapons in all of them. not to think of all the people hes killed in twenty years in all of this .

anger boiled inside her, how dare someone commit a crime as such as killing a human being.,taking their life away. her dad was only in his early forties he had his whole life ahead of him.she had a strong desire for the person to be dead to be killed in the most painfullest way possible. marching back to her fathers laptop she scanned through the folders later to find the address of the homicidal mans apartment.

24A Bentley court, kensington  

bq3 7ef

determination filled her body to get revenge on the monster . filling her bag with essentials such as money her id .then she was on her way to her final destination.

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