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The next day was tiring for Becca as Mitch said she wasn't in shape. At all.

Becca felt someone roughly shaking her shoulder jarring her whole body. "Hey , hey Becca wake up" Mitch vocalised . springing up from her deep slumber whilst rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she replies with a simple groan. "Wh-what time is it?" she croaked out .

"Time for you to get up" he huffed. Swiftly turning her head to the clock above her head it read 5:32 AM , whipping her head forward to Mitch she was ready to lecture him on how waking up too early is not good for the human body  which also didn't help that she was sleeping on an old musty couch, but was rudely interrupted with a hand in front of her.

"If your ready for this kind of job then this is the time you are supposedly need to up by" he barked. Giving up on trying to go back to her beauty sleep she walked off to the bath room to do her usual morning routine.

After getting refreshed , getting her AC DC tank top and yoga pants on was a struggle from her tiredness didn't help , her socks uneven , her in a lazy messy bun.  She felt someone burning holes in the back of her head , swiftly turning around she saw Mitch quickly  adverting his eyes back on the paperwork in his hands. Mitch didn't know that some one could look that astonishing without any effort. pushing that thought at the back of his head he marched to the petite girl who was snooping through his desk .

"What do you think you doing?" Jumping in panic she automatically put the papers back in place from the desk . "N-Nothing just waiting for you to boss me around " she says quite sarcastically , with a sigh he instructed her to punch the punching bag as hard as she could which was another struggle for at 6:12 in the morning .

"harder" he instructs , grunting from effort "harder!" he shouts making her slightly irritated from his impatience . "I'm trying" she coughs out , her throat becoming dry each time she tried to vocalise  . "well your not trying hard enough!" Mitch yelled , Becca's anguish bubbling inside her making her give up completely. flopping her sweaty gloves on the couch she sat next to them heads in her hands. "What do you think your doing ,did i telling you to stop?" he questions. breathing out for air trying to catch her breath. " I need you to be patient with me even you said it for yourself i'm not in shape so its gonna take a long period of time for me to get to your level so i'm just asking one favour from you is to be patient."

"look lady I didn't choose to help you , i'd rather quit then help you . Even in the end i bet your gonna be even more useless " he yells dripping venom on every single word. He was being truthful , if he ever did teach her to be come a killing machine that would mean them getting closer and if he was being honest he didn't want to fall again he saw what happened when he did last time and he just knew it was going to happen again.

Becca feeling offended by his statement , deep down inside she knew he was right.

For a few moments they just gazed into each others eyes , Mitch taking in her emerald green eyes and the spotted freckles on her nose and a few on her cheek bones. Becca on the other hand couldn't help but get lost in his brown topaz eyes that just scream sadness.

Becca didn't know why he was being so hostile of him training another person weather it was the effort or just her in general. Mitch knew she was going to find out about Katrina someway or another but he only met this girl less than seventy two hours ago. " You think i wanted this , you think i wanna be here and sit here talking to you about how i need this revenge for my fathers death hm? well i don't , so get over it and do your job and i'll do mine" she barks back

After a point of silence she got back to work on punching the bag with all her mighty strength and to Mitch he was impressed , maybe it was all her anger going into concentration of punching it that she doesn't have time to think of any one judging her for her weakness.

Around ten in the morning she felt the emptiness in the pit of her stomach begging for food. From the work shes been doing from sit ups , push ups , lunges , squats and punching the punching bag she was feeling her muscles ache. lunging in the fridge to find a ice cold water bottle , finding nothing in the fridge she went scavenging in the cabinets finding microwaveable noodles and a green shiny apple with her name on it.

whilst her noodles were cooking she drank the water feeling the liquid wetting her dry like sandpaper throat and tongue.

Sitting at the table munching on her chicken flavoured ready to-go noodles she was scanning the apartment having much detail than before .She caught her eye on a sleeping Mitch on the couch looking relaxed , taking in what she could befor he turned in to the up tight , miserable person he was.

she didn't know the real reason he was like this she thought maybe its because how she looked or maybe he had to work with her. she was always insecure person she always wanted people to like her she wanted to impress people and that's what she wanted from Mitch.

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