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Packing my fewer things i had with me which consisted of a toothbrush and a pair of sweats which had to be washed every day or more. Mitch gave me a plastic bag to put my necessities in how thoughtful . Hearing Mitch mutter a 'c'mon' made my nerves jitter with nervousness and fear.

what were these guys looking for? what happens if they find me? what will they do when they find me?

All sorts of thoughts went spiralling through my head , which kind of made me dizzy. "Hey whats the matter?" Mitch asked concern written all of his face . Shaking my head rapidly trying to force the tears to stay at the back of my eyes , but they wouldn't stay put. "yeah....No" i couldn't hold them any longer they flowed freely down my cheeks on to the rugged carpet. "Hey , hey its okay , sit down" he gestures to the couch . Once i sat down my breathing got unsteady , my vision going blurry from the salty tears.

Tugging my sleeve down to dry my now stained cheeks , i breathed in and out calmly and slowly . I tense when i feel a hand on my back rubbing it up and down in a soothing way once i realised it was Mitch i relaxed under his touch , i really couldn't hold a grudge right now with what is happening in my life right now . "now are you going to tell me why your crying ?" he asks , but what i couldn't control was the butterflies fluttering in my stomach and each time he would talk or seem concerned i felt my heart skip beat. "Its just too much ... all of i-" i felt my self nearly chocking on my tears. "Each time i think about the outside world now i think of it as a different place not the place where there are unicorns and rainbows ,but where my dad got murdered and where i am going to get kill-" 

"Hey don't think that okay me , Hurley and Irene also the whole CIA will be out trying to kill those fuckers okay? -" He grabbed my hand pulling it to his chest where his heart is directed too "I will make sure of it" he mumbles only just audibly . My heart pumping at an unnatural pace , i nodded believing him and i know its true. 

The car ride was silent not an awkward silence but a peaceful silence that you had to take in this very moment , because you never know when this will occur again with where my life was going i would think this would be my last. But i didn't just take in the silence i took in Mitch's features starting with his stubble which indeed suited him to his over grown hair but it was a good over grown look on him , i thought his whole face looked good on him , the distant , faint moles on his face which i only just noticed how many he had , i loved that about him his imperfections were flawless to me. His canary and whiskey like eyes were stunning from how the sun beamed on them to show more detail in his eyes the tiny flecks of oil like black jotted on his iris'.

My heart ached for his attention , not only for safety reasons but for his affection the night when it was just me and him he put his whole heart in it , he was gentle , he kept checking if i was comfortable with every thing he was doing from touching me from the waist to arm , i have no idea what i did for him to shut me away like that. I knew we needed to talk about this but i didn't want to ruin it by coming out and saying it was all his fault ; it wasn't maybe he had a good reason for it or he thought he done something wrong which we both didn't want to mention it .

But it felt like something more personal , i couldn't put my finger on it but i knew it was something he didn't want me to find out though.

Once we got there it was nothing i imagined it to be it was just a small cabin in the middle of the woods , what i did expect was a huge tower with guarded doors every inch of the place , there wasn't even cameras anywhere to be seen. "this is it" he pursed his lips together , i scoffed .

"Wasn't anything i expected" i gave a half hearted smile , he shrugged and swiftly got out of his seat and opened my door i whispered a small thank you in return. 

Dragging my heavy and tired feet to the wooden stairs which was a struggle we waited for someone open the door , it was quite sometime . "Will i be seeing you here or are we going to go our separate ways from now or are you going to let me figure this one again like the other answer i'm still waiting for , hm?" My eyes went wide from my outburst i didn't even realise i blabbered it until just now. He slowly craned his neck to the side just to gaze at me , "what ? what other answer are you looking for?" 

"I We-" my sentence was cut off short by the door sliding open : to my relief.

"Thanks for bringing her in , i will see you Monday Rapp" Hurley's speech made me knit my eyebrows together.

"wh- is he not going to be like my body guard or something or even like you said he still has to train me" I mentally forced my self to shut up before i embarrassed myself once again.

"No no he has some other duties to get too" he stated .

I snapped my head to Mitch with pleading eyes , he looked up at me with sorrow in his , that's the part he was not fessing up he didn't say that when he told us we had to go. 

He looked down at his shoes shifting his weight to one foot to the other . "Im sorry i must have forgotten to tell you that , i guess" he murmurers.

"That's it? you teach me shit you play me over and leave without a confession ? Hm i see how it is  . Then you can go fuck your self Rapp"

With that he drove off.

Hope to die (American assassin)Where stories live. Discover now