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Becca's heart heat pumping ten times faster than it was before , her face as shocked as a deer caught in head lights. Feeling his broad chest under her petite hands made her more nervous than she already was , and that was saying something , " you n-need to t-take off your shirt , then." Her voice as jittery and her stuttering didn't help , whether he ignored it or didn't realise she was glad either way . Mitch breathing out a little 'okay' whilst wearily removing the material over his head throwing it to the side not really caring where it went. Licking her already dry lips , and blinking rapidly from the close proximity she just realised how near touch.Coughing awkwardly trying to remove some of the tension that was in the room with them right now, registering she had to use a needle with thread made him squeamish "scared of needles?" she questions jokingly , "not really just thinking if i can trust you." he says with complete seriousness , thinking for a second she replies " if i tried something it would already been done we've been together for half a month i think i would've thought of something already , remember , i did plan to kill my dads murderer less than forty two hours, max " she said with smug look on her face.

"yeah well that didn't go well did it?" he states with a smirk at the end of it , 

"tell me what made you wanna be part of the CIA?" Ignoring his statement completely 

"well it really wasn't my choice to be honest" he utters whilst looking down , remembering the video made her flinch and pinch his skin with the needle in realisation."Ouch " he complains  , she breaths in a shaky breathe whilst murmuring a 'sorry' asking why it wasn't just to make sure she wasn't right. " well the same as you i suppose i wanted revenge " he remarks , making her heart skip a beat from the guilt plastered inside of her , she didn't know weather to tell him that she saw the video or not . She ignored all the voices in her head telling her that she was terrible for looking through his stuff . "What did you want revenge for ?" she asked clueless hoping her acting skills will pay off with this. " uh for my uh fiance'" he says i could hear his voice breaking making her crumble inside . " i'm so sorry about Katrina i really am" she says , Mitch flickering his eyes to hers wondering how she knew her name then thinking maybe she isn't the person she says she is . Springing up from his bed flipping the first aid box in the air throwing it on the wall and grabbing Becca by the shoulders and shoving her to the wall and putting his hands on each side of her " i didn't tell you her name" he whispers on the verged of ripping her head off. Literally.Realising what she said , then slapping her forehead mentally , her adrenaline pumping, worried what he would do to her. Deciding what to tell , him whether telling him the truth but what if he doesn't believe her . "where did you get that name from " he raises he voice a bit to intimidate her. " i-i" 

"tell me!!" he shouts , making her squirm uncomfortably under his hold making her panic even more. " i saw the video !" she shouts back not argumentatively but in response. 

"Don't fucking lie to me!!" he slams his hand near her head in impatiences.

"i'm not lying!" she whimpers , terrified of his next actions.

"why are you lying , who are you working with " he whispers barely audible. 

"i'm not lying i'm telling the truth i thought you were lying to me about something  so i had to check just to make sure you weren't a fake CIA or something i didn't mean to go that far in your computer i'm sorry , i will leave as soon as possible if that's what you want" she says softly making sure not to say the wrong thing. 

Mitch deciding or not it would be a wise idea if she did just fuck off or not. 

To stressed for this he just sighed and walked off out the door.

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