let's go racing boyz

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With the Elco ready to go Chris and I made our way up to were the races were taking place. Waiting on Justin and Shawn come up to the starting line. Daddy Dave was pulling them up. Soon Erin and Jackie were stand by Chris and I. Erin , Jackie and I have become best friends.
Race one...
Soon as the boys were lined up Dave hit the light and they were off going neck to neck till the end. " what do we have down there?" Dave radio down at end of the street. " Chief by a hair on his chinning chin chin." Asia radioed back. Before the boys made it back up the street Chris and I made our way back to the Elco so Chris could suit up and get Elco up and running. Before Chris got in Elco I went up to him and wrapped my arms around him and gave him a big kiss for luck. In return I got slap on the ass with small pinch following it. Which in return I pinch his ass. We both laughed. Once in the Elco  before shutting the door. I was to tell him good luck and keep it rubber side down and I loved him. He replied back he loved me too and get ready to see Doc cry. Then he and his crew made their way up to the starting line. I followed suit and stood beside Farm Truck he was like a dad I never had and I was like a daughter he never had, we had a father daughter bond. Soon Erin and Jackie were by my side. This was my first time seeing him race and my body was humming from adrenaline and nerves. I was bouncing on the heals of my feet.
"You OK there Sun Shine?" Farm Truck looked at me could tell something was up.
"I'm good just this is the first time I'm seeing him race." I tell Farm Truck and at that moment he understood. Erin and Jackie were by my side and ready to help me if I needed them.
Soon Justin lined up Doc and Chris he turned and before he banged the light Doc took off. Erin in formed me that Doc loses because he jumped the light. Chris still went once the light came on just to get a feel of the road so he knew what was good for the next race. Now Doc was sitting at number 5 and whining that his trans break failed that why he jumped and wanted a rematch but Chris held his ground told him to bad. Chris made his way to the trailer and I came running up to him and jumping in his arms once he was out of the Elco. He told the crew that the Elco ran great just top her off on gas and he be ready to go. All to soon he had to race again but this time against Dave for number 3. With a big kiss and our saying he and crew were off. Once I was up at the starting line with Farm Truck and the girls more than ready for the race to start. Once the guys were lined up Justin banged the light Chris was like a bat out of hell and Dave never had a chance to win. Chris now holds the number 3 spot till next race night. It was later by the time we were loaded up and saying goodbyes it was five in morning and the sun was just coming up. Chris and I were still amped about his wins but soon we would tired and ready for bed luckily it was only Sat and we had the rest of the weekend off. Once home I went and let Pixie and Luna out while Chris parked the trailer and made sure it was locked we made our way into house. Feeding the girls their breakfast and making sure they had water Chris made us a small breakfast. Once we ate an let the girls out one time before we went to bed. We did not get up till two in the afternoon.

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