the day after a race

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I wake up to find myself tangled up in Chris's legs and arms along with the sheet, Chris is sound asleep like a big baby. Wiggling with all might to break free without waking Chris in turned to a fail. His snoring stop next came growl that never heard before come from him. "Will you stop wiggling I'm trying to sleep here." Muffled Chris with face covered with  my long hair.
"Chris get up it has be passed afternoon and I need to pee now detach yourself or face the consequences of me peeing the bed." As soon as I said that he de-tangled himself from me and I freed myself from the sheets an ran for the bathroom and not bothering to close the door.
"Ahh some much better..."
"Really babe you couldn't close the door. By the way it's two in the afternoon."
I look up at doorway to find Chris standing there shaking his head. Once finished and flushed the toilet and washing my hands and face. Going work on the massive knots in my hair. It did not seem to bother Chris that I was still in the bedroom, he went a head went to bathroom. Once he was done with flush of the toilet and washing his hand he made his way back to bedroom to get dressed for the day or what's left of the day. Once he left the room with dogs in tow I was able to get dressed myself.
Walking into the kitchen and grabbing a Rock Star from refrigerator making my way to back door to go out into backyard to be with Chris and the dogs. Chris was checking his phone for missed calls and texts. I forgot my phone it was in bedroom still on the charger. Pixie and Luna were running around and playing. They getting so big.
"Babe I just got a text from my sister and she wants me over for dinner and I told her yes and I was bringing a guess with me. We have to leave here by four to get to her and her husband 's house. I hope that's OK with you."
"Sure I got nothing else planned and I would love to meet your sister and her husband. What should I wear?" I knew I was not wear what I had on, I was just in Chris's shirt and my underwear and I was sure Chris was going wear what he had on which was just a pair of basketball shorts. With Chris occupying the dogs I went and showered so I would not smell of racing fuel and burnt rubber. Once out of the shower I found my super cute summer dress that I got a while back when I went shopping with girls from work. Pairing it with a pair dress sandals . I made quick work of my hair which I let it keep it natural curl with a touch of makeup I was ready to go.
Soon Chris made his way back to bedroom to get ready to go with a quick shower and fixing of his hair.  He decided to wear a black pair of jeans and a button up shirt with his cowboy boots. I went a head feed the dogs their dinner being that we were not going be home in time for the dinner I made sure they got extra and water. Letting them out to due their duties before we had to leave.
Chris came out of the bedroom to find me at the back door waiting for the dogs.
"Darling you look so beautiful. I love that dress on you."
"Awe thanks Stud Muffin, you don't look so bad yourself."
Once the dogs were in and we had everything we needed an locked the house, we made our way to Chris's sister 's house.

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