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SEMA week was in full swing and Erin and myself and the new girl were busting ass on selling the gear. The guys were going nonstop and having be at different booths at different times. It was like The Walking Dead with the amount of people there. Chris was at NX booth the first day and I took a quick break from the Midwest booth and made my way to NX booth to see him and to see if he needed anything or grab a bite to eat after his signing which was 9-2, it makes for a long day. I was in luck no one knows who I'm yet so I was able to get through the people easily but that will change once the show starts up again. The poor boys and Erin,Jackie have a hard time getting through the people, everyone recognize them. I finally made it to the NX booth and waited till Chris was done doing his signing. While waiting I was taking pictures for my Instagram without realizing Chris was done I was taking a selfie with the Elco in background I felt someone wrapping their arms around me and kissing my neck jumping a little bit then realizing it was Chris I relaxed.
"What are you doing here? You are post to be at the Midwest booth."
"I took a break and I wanted to see you and to see if you needed anything or wanted to grab a bite to eat before your next signing."
With a quick look at his phone to see if we had time to escape from all the people for relaxing just even if it was a short time.
"We got time my next signing is at 3:45-4:45 so we can grab some lunch."
My phone buzzed and I looked at it and it was Erin telling me that I had rest of the day off. She had Phantom and Monkey at the booth now to help her. So I could spend the rest of my day with Chris.
"I just got a text from Erin and I got the rest of the day off so I can spend it with you."
"OK where do you want to go eat?"
"Let's go the burger and bar place next to our hotel."
"Sounds good let's go."
Making our way out of SEMA was going fairly well. We made it outside and it was hot. On way outside Chris had booked us a Uber and they were waiting for us. Soon we at the burger and bar place. The hostess took us to our table and we looked at our menu's. Everything looks yummy. Soon our waitress came to take our order.
"Hi there sexy my name is Victoria and I will be your server what can I get you? I recommend the Manly Burger."
Victoria was all but hanging off Chris and rubbing his arm. I was ready to kick her ass if she did not get off my fiance. Chris had the look of discuss on his face for what Victoria was doing. She never notice me or did not want too. Chris tried to get her off him.
"Hey Bitch get your nasty hands off my fiance. I would like to speak to your boss."
She turned to look at me I gave her the meanest/scariest look. I may not be big but I still have a biker look about me and no one I mean no one messes with me or the ones I love. She turned and left with huff. Now we wait until her and her boss comes to our table.
"Darling you need to breath, you are about tomatoe red. I know you're pissed."
"I don't like people like her, people like her are reason husbands and wives get divorces. My pops cheated with a bitch like her on my momma when she was sick."
"Darling I'll never due that to you, I love you too much to do that."
Soon Victoria and her boss came to our table to find out what was problem.
"What seems to be the problem?"
"Your waitress was all but hanging off my fiance and rubbing her hand on his arm. That sir is uncalled for."
"Is that true sir?"
"Yes it was making my fiance and I uncomfortable."
"She called me a Bitch." Victoria wined.
"Victoria this is your third time having customers make same the complaint  your fired."
With that Victoria stormed off with a bouncer on her heals to in sure she left.
"I'm so sorry about her doing that and your meal and drinks are on the house."
Soon a new waitress came to take our order. Chris order the bacon burger with a Bud Light and I ordered the loaded burger with a Bud Light also. We made small talk till our food and drinks came. I told Chris about Momma and I glad I did. All to soon it was time to head back to SEMA. Chris's next signing was at the Kicker booth. So made our way back to SEMA. At the Kicker booth it was all of the 405 guys. I sat on side and watch the guys get to work. The time seem to go quick and the guys were done. With the day done we made our way to the hotel. The guys had planned for the night for all of us to go out. We able to relax a bit before heading out. Justin said that we were going to a club so I dug through my clothes and found the dress that I wore to mine and Chris's first date. Chris loved that dress. I've become better at wearing heals. Tonight going be a blast we all let loose and be our selves. It was time to head out we meet in Lobby. Ryan had booked us a party bus for the night. Once loaded up we headed to grab some dinner before the club.

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