꧁ five

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Nara kept quiet the whole day, even Sunmi's jokes didn't manage to make her laugh. She was preoccupied with the scholarship in her head. The offer was too good to be true.

For a pessimistic girl like her, she had never been offered something so luxurious. Something so easy within her reach. She had always believed that there would always be something else attached. It was impossible that it was her luck. She was born with bad luck.

"Would you lighten up? There's no harm even if you don't get the scholarship, other companies would still offer you." Sunmi exclaimed, she was tired of getting her attention. Nara was just uninterested in everything else.

"Yeah, but I have always wanted this one. I never imagined myself another future or sponsor." Nara answered monotonously. True, she had always wanted to be a doctor and WHO was the only organisation that offered such scholarship.

Sunmi sighed, she was just too stubborn. She offered Nara to accompany her again but of course, Nara turned down the offer. She wasn't in the mood for any fun, she was in her competitive mood at the moment. And so, she headed straight home after school.

As she entered her house, a sudden excitement filled her heart. For the first time, she imagined herself as a doctor and finally moving out of this dumpster. She wanted to break the news to her parents, but upon seeing them seated on the sofa with bread crumbs all over the floor and clothes lying all over the place, she knew they would just bring her down.

Disappointed, she walked up the fragile stairs to her room. She lied down on her bed for a while before heading to the small desk next to her bed. There, she had an old family photo in frame and also a university of her dream pasted on the table.

It used to motivate her a lot but the charm was slowly fading off as she grew up. Somehow, she felt the powerful charm from the photo again. How she prayed the offer was true and wasn't just another scheme her family had always been stuck with.


By tomorrow, the whole school had already found out about the scholarship offer and the candidates. Everyone looked at her differently ever since she stepped into the compound. Nara rolled her eyes, now they want to acknowledge her. Before she was just a ruined bitch.

In class, the teachers paid more attention to Felix and her. It was a little bit annoying as they were constantly complimented, in a very sarcastic way. However, those small things bothered her the least. As their first period ended, the teacher was about to leave when he suddenly called out for Nara. Surprised, she walked to his desk.

"Since you're in the competition, why don't you show off your charms and help me deliver these to the office?" He sarcastically complimented her and gave a small smile. Nara smiled back, fighting the urge to kick his balls.

She carried the books and followed after the teacher as she walked out of the class. She knew how the teachers would use this opportunity to pick on her since she was the type to snap back at them and even joked loudly about them. They disliked her attitude very much and now they had her under control because one bad report, she was out of the list and Felix would've been the winner.

As she arrived at the office, she placed the books on a table near the principal's office and was about to head out when she heard the principal on the phone in her room. It was wrong, but she decided to eavesdrop.

"Yes, thank you again for your donor on the school's dance— Of course, I will surely monitor Felix's performance— Don't worry, he's the best candidate out there. Oh, don't worry about the Kang girl, Felix is surely better."


Nara was fuming with anger, she had only enjoyed the 'too good to be true' offer for approximately 24 hours and everything turned back to a sorrowful reality again. She knew it, she was right. Everything was just a con, a big bullshit.

It was impossible for her to be offered such things, no matter how many times she could overtake Felix in terms if academics and sports, but she could never win over his influence.

Money? She had none of it. His parents did the school a little charity by kindly donating for the school's dance in return, a scholarship for their son. Sick bastards, Nara bit her tongue. She owed a thank you to Mr. Kim for forcing her to help him, at least she learned the truth earlier than before it was too late.

Well, there was no use of working hard anymore. Bad luck would never leave her, she was stuck with a pathetic, filthy life until her death.

Fuck the scholarship, I'm worthless.

For the first time in her life, she gave up. The charm and positivity she received from the photo on her desk yesterday was useless, fake. It was gone, fully faded now. She had no intend of continuing this crooked path to a bright future anymore. She was going to take the straight path to a dark future. One she was born and bred with. A very familiar route.


🐾I double updated!

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