꧁ twelve

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As Nara arrived home the next day after school, she saw her mother standing by the door surprisingly. She was usually too lazy to even get up unless it was for some disgusting banging. As she was about to walk past her through the door, her mother held on her arm, making her flinch a little.

"I thought you were dead after yesterday." Her mother rolled her eyes and sighed as she walked out of the house. To where, Nara couldn't be bothered. She wished they were dead, but then again she needed them for a living. Although it wasn't much, but at least they earned one. Better than sleeping on the streets.

As Nara pushed the door to her room open, she was glad that no one was in there. She closed the door behind her and locked it. However, as she was about to lie down on her bed, a small black box on it caught her eyes. It was an unfamiliar object, she didn't own one and it was rather ridiculous to think it was from her parents.

"Life is disappointing, I agree. Our first meeting was rather a shame, I did not appeal myself to you. Don't be scared, I am just a friend. No need to take precautions, I appear when I want. Till we meet again. Oh, and I hope you enjoy my little surprise."

Nara read the letter over and over again, but somehow she could not pinpoint who wrote it. What did this person meant when they say our first meeting wasn't appealing? She was also confused of why she was targeted and for what purpose.

Fear ignited in herself, but she was quick to shut it down. It might probably be a prank, she thought and placed the box and the letter on the corner of her small desk. However, she couldn't help but to be bothered with the 'little surprise' that was mentioned in the later. It surely did not sound like something positive.


The next day as she was walking through the school gates, she felt that some students would not take their eyes off of her. Nara looked back at them and noticed they avoided her gaze. She was puzzled but decided to walk into the school. Still, the amount of stares were increasing and she felt uncomfortable.

Upon reaching down the hallway to the lockers, she saw Sunmi walking or running towards her. Confused, Nara wanted to greet her only to have Sunmi crashing herself against Nara as she pulled her out from the hallway.

"What gives?" Nara asked, confused with what was happening. Classes were about to start and her books were still in her locker. "Didn't you check the Internet— wait, you're an antisocial ass." Sunmi said as she started fishing for her phone in her pockets.

She placed the phone screen right in front of Nara's eyes as she read whatever was written on what seemed to be a blog. There was a low quality picture of Felix backhugging her in his apartment. It was from last two nights. Nara was left shocked, how did anyone possibly got this shot of them?

Nara was filled with mixed emotions, she was angry, baffled, embarrassed, confused. She didn't know what to do. She wasn't sure if this was a negative thing or not. Would it effect her performance? She was scared for some reasons.

"What should we do?" Nara asked softly as Sunmi tried her best to cover her from the eyes of students walking past. "I say you ditch school—"

"Kang Nara and Lee Felix to the principal's office."

At the sound of the sudden announcement, the whole floor fell silent. Nara's eyes were shaking, and Sunmi could tell she was scared. She placed a hand on her shoulder, hoping it would ease her even if it was a little. "I got your back, always. Don't worry and stand up for yourself." She said and Nara nodded.

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