꧁ seventeen

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Felix rushed to get himself ready as it was already 7:30 PM and he promised to pick Nara up by 8. He mentally cursed himself for almost forgetting about prom. He was so absorbed with his confession yesterday he actually forgot the important day was today.

After a quick 15 minute dress up, he was finally done. He combed his hair up, made sure he would look presentable to Nara or else she would make fun of him. After a small satisfying smile to himself, he decided that he was finally ready. He had to sneakily walk out of the house to avoid his parents. He was too lazy to answer their questions, especially about who was he taking to prom.

After successfully exiting the house without getting caught, he told his chauffeur to make his way to Nara's house. He smiled to himself, he was far more excited to see Nara in her dress. His heart was beating like crazy and the smile wouldn't fade from his face by just imagining it. He looked outside the window and realised they were already close to her house.

He nervously got out of the car but made sure he made no noise as Nara specifically told him that she literally cannot be seen by her parents. He looked at the small door of their house, it was tightly shut. A small part of his heart sank, she didn't make it? He wanted to call out for her, but it was too risky. A few seconds later, he heard rumbling sounds coming from above.

Felix blinked her eyes a few times before noticing it was Nara climbing out of the window, in her dress. She was wearing the corsage he gave in one hand, and holding her shoes in the other. The wind blew her dress sideways and she looked mesmerising for a moment.

"Felix!" Nara whispered, and it shook his imagination away. He looked up at her, although he hadn't looked properly at her but it was enough to make his heart skip a beat. "How are you getting down?" He asked as he looked around for a ladder but there was none.

"Catch me." Nara laughed.

Felix wasn't given time to process when Nara suddenly jumped from then roof. He extended his arms as a reflex and immediately caught her from landing on the ground. He thought his heart was beating so fast from the little surprise act she did but he was wrong. As he caught her eyes, it beated so fast to a point he thought his heart had stopped.

"Here." Nara's voice cut him off his thoughts again. She placed a boutonnière on his pocket. The flowers of her corsage matched perfectly to his. He finally let her down as both of them silently made their way to the car and headed to the school. Nara fixed her shoes as she stared outside the window.

She felt so grateful to actually be able to go to prom. This was her first time since she always bailed the others. She never had interest to go to any of them but she was surprised that someone actually asked her to be his prom date and it was their last prom as well.

As they arrived at the school gates, there were a lot of students outside and even along the way to the school's hall. She finally felt nervous, maybe it was because she wasn't ready to be seen with Felix after the rumours. However, a thought came to mind that it was about time she completely ignore those talks. The door opened from outside and Nara caught Felix extending an arm in her way.

She took it and walked out of the car with him. They both caught a lot of students eyeing them and even talked about them. However, instead of spatting inappropriate words some were actually praising them. Felix finally had a good look on how Nara was dressed up. The rose coloured maxi dress he bought for her fit her petite figure perfectly. He made sure to pick white flowers for her corsage so it would stand out and it did. Nara's hair was braided nicely on top as she let the rest flow down to her back. If he could tell her, she looked like a princess to him.

"Ready?" Felix asked and she nodded, they made their way to the hall hand in hand. He felt so excited, he had planned everything, from the proposal and to the prom. He made sure his tie was the same colour as her dress, he wanted to show off to everyone that Nara was his, except she wasn't. It was a sad thought for a moment, but he didn't want to ruin the night.

As they entered the hall, almost everyone stopped dancing and talking, eyes were fixed on them but they didn't mind. Nara was about to pull Felix somewhere else where less people would stare at them but before she even could someone else jumped on her back. She turned around to meet eyes with Sunmi, she had the widest smile ever and Nara was ready to tease her about her date with Seungmin.

"So, Seungmin, huh?"

Nara raised her eyebrow playfully only to earn a slap on the arm from her. "I knew that if I told you, you'd laugh at me." Sunmi said. "Felix, I'm gonna steal her a while from you. Bye!" Sunmi pulled Nara's hand away from Felix and took her somewhere near the dancefloor.

"What about you?" Sunmi asked excitedly. "What about me?" Nara questioned confusedly. "The girl who's never up for dances let alone party is attending prom with a date." Sunmi said. "Not just that, she's looking hella fine to a point I think she'd snatched the crown." She added and Nara rolled her eyes. Exaggerating, that was Sunmi's best asset.

The girls chatted for a while, totally forgetting about their partners when out of a sudden the loud and booming songs turned to a slow song. Nara and Sunmi watched as some of the girls started to pull their partners to the dancefloor and started dancing together to the slow song. They laughed at some who couldn't dance but everything stopped when Felix came to their side.

"I think I'd have to steal her back." Felix said, Sunmi chuckled and lightly pushed Nara as she took his hand. Felix took her to the centre of the dancefloor as he placed one hand on her waist as the other did not let go of her hand. Nara wanted to laugh at his confidence to actually make themselves the centre of attraction.

They danced to the slow song silently, Nara brought her eyes everywhere except for him. She was too flustered to look at him directly. Her heart wasn't helping as well. Surprisingly, he was such a great dancer. She then caught Sunmi and Seungmin dancing not far from them and she threw them a small smile.

"Jisung threatened to take you away from me." Felix suddenly spoke. Instead of looking at him, Nara's eyes travelled to Jisung who was seated near the food section. He threw her a playful wink causing her to laugh. "Well, let's see if you can put up a fight." Nara joked earning a laugh from both sides. They continued to dance in silence although Nara was dying for him to continue to talk.

"You look beautiful."

At the compliment, she felt butterflies in her stomach. It was a simple one, but she felt utterly happy to hear it from him. Her eyes finally stopped wandering and landed on him. "Thanks, you're stylish as well." She said as she glanced at his outfit. "Oh please, I took 15 minutes to get ready." He laughed. She smiled at him, it was fun to spend time with him and she hoped it would stay this way.

"Where would you go if you get the scholarship?" He asked. "New Zealand probably, it's a very nice country and Queenstown has the nicest view. I've always dreamed of living there." Nara answered, her voice soft. She felt nervous thinking about the offer. "What about you?" She asked. "I wanted to go to New Zealand as well, but I haven't planned properly yet." Felix replied.

"Nara," Felix's voice calling out her name would never fail to make her heart skipped a beat. She looked at him, this time their eyes were properly locked and she knew she could not look away this time. "Please don't forget about me once you leave." He said, it sounded sad somehow.

"We don't know for sure who's getting it. If it's by any chance I should say that to you. You'll be famous and successful, surely you'll forget about a messed up girl like me—"

"I'd never forget my first love."


🐾Okay but thanks to svt's new album I was able to write this fluff.

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