꧁ eleven

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Upon arriving in front of her house, Nara refused to go out. The last place she wanted to be was home. She was so stressed out with everything that has been happening in her life and home wasn't a safe heaven for her.

Felix got out of the car and opened the door for her. He looked down on her and sighed. With a grab of her arm he pulled her lightly out of the car. It was only then Nara realised they were not in front of her house. It was somewhere unfamiliar but yet so exquisite.

The settings of the building was so luxurious Nara couldn't help but to be fazed. It must've been a very expensive apartment, although the only question was. What was she doing here?

Felix was so close to pulling her inside the lobby after scanning his card on the door when Nara pulled her hand away from him. She stood outside, frozen. Her brain was still processing of what was he doing to her. Somehow, the place did look familiar to her. It was where she met Felix after blacking out at the club.

"What the heck? Let go!"

"No, you're coming with me." Felix held on her left hand tightly, making her squirmed even more in his touch.

"Stop sticking your nose into someone's business. Ugh-"

"You're smart, and I don't like seeing you waste that brain of yours on something stupid." They stopped walking, and instead caught staring at each other's eyes. Her heart skipped a beat. It was an unfamiliar feeling.

"This isn't my house." Nara said. "I know, it's mine." Felix replied as he walked towards her. "Well, what the hell are we doing here?" Nara asked, crossing her arms. She could tell that at that moment, they were both thinking of their recent meeting there. One which Nara still had no idea why and how she ended up there.

"After I caught your little gambling, did you really think I was going to send you home?" Felix had a small smirked on his face. Nara didn't understand what he had in mind but she wanted no part of it. Felix should know that she held grudges against him and getting close to her right now was not the best choice.

"You can't keep me here! Who do you think you are?" Nara scowled. "As if you're not going to end up here tonight anyway." Felix replied and pulled her arm into the lobby. Some workers greeted him as he pressed the elevator button. Nara wanted to run but he held on her arm tightly, rather too tightly.

She was confused and angry at the same time on why he was doing this. She only ended up in his apartment one time but he was saying it as if she was going to be there again. It sounded as if he was the one who drugged her the night before. Nara was a girl with a lot of angers and Felix was surely one of it.

After they entered his apartment, he released his grip on her arm as the door closed behind him. "Felix, I want to go ho—" Nara was about to tell him but he cut her off. "I know you well enough to know that you hate your home. Just stay here, so I can keep an eye on you from doing something stupid while you escape the place you called hell." Felix said as he took of his blazer and headed to his room.

"You can use the other room, feel free to take the clothes there." Felix cooed before shutting the door to his room. Nara stood in the living room dumbfoundedly. The place was very clean and stylish. It looked hella expensive and was almost similar to a place she once dreamed of. Slowly, she headed to the room on the other side of the apartment.

As she pushed the door open, she was met with a familiar set. It was the room she woke up in a few days ago. There was fresh clothes in the closet, as if he was expecting her to be here. Nara sighed as she sat on the bed, why was it that every time she tried to avoid Felix he would always come back?


"Hey, are you up for dinner?"

A knock was heard on the door. Nara shot up from her lying position and stood straight on her back. She thought for a while before answering, "Sure, I'll be there in a minute." She muttered softly. Although she had cleaned herself up and changed into fresh clothes but still the idea of sleeping in his apartment did not appeal her.

Her eyes scanned for Felix as she walked out of the room, "Felix, don't you think it will be weird if anyone finds out I slept in your house?" Nara asked, her eyes still searching for him. Surprisingly, he was nowhere to be found. She found it strange that he wasn't in the living room.

"Nope, unless you want to sleep with me." A sudden pair of arms wrapped around her waist as a low tone voice whispered next to her ear. "Holy— don't do that!" Nara slapped his arms away from her as she turned around to face him. She felt irritated with his constant teasing ever since fifth grade. Felix casually laughed as he walked past her towards the dining table.

As they both ate dinner which was cooked by Felix's cook, they were both silent. Nara had so many things to say but she prevented herself from doing so. Her ego was still so big.

"I won't play for this week's game." Felix said out of the blue. Nara knew what he meant, Felix was in the soccer team. Of course he wouldn't join this week's game because he just injured his hand and who's fault was it? Nara's. The named girl kept quiet, guilt was eating her alive but her ego topped it all.

"Coach was so angry, you should've seen his fac—"

"Felix, I'm not taking the scholarship. Stop it, all of this." Nara shut him up. "There's no point anyway, your hand will heal but I will never have power over the school. They will choose you eventually, it's made up." She sighed. Although it was pathetic and heartbreaking for her to say it, especially to Felix himself, she had to do it.

The teen in front of her looked at her with soft eyes, the same pair of eyes he always had around her. "Yes you are. I've spoke to the principal and even gave a little threat with it. She agreed to judge this fair and square. My parents' money means nothing now. You will join this competition, I would do whatever it takes to keep you in this. Even if it meant to keep you in here." He said.

Nara looked up from her food and towards her classmate seated in front of her. He was sincere, it was written all over his face. She wanted to cry, she was moved by this. She could never understand what she had ever done to him for her to deserve this. He was so nice while she was so mean to him.

"Felix, I don't want to. My life— This life I'm living, I can never escape it." Nara kept her gaze low. For the first time ever, she was embarrassed with her life. How poor she was, how pathetic, unloved she had always been.

"Like I've said, you're very smart and I don't like seeing you waste it. This is the perfect chance to escape that life of yours and you know it. I will help you to get it. I've known you forever Nara." He smiled. "And besides, my life is meaningless without a rival like you."


🐾Some parts might not make sense, but then again this is wattpad 😆

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