Eric - Present

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Eric made it to the prison right when the last prisoner was running out. The prison was in both worlds so Eric could see it no matter what. He went into dreamland and stabbed the last prisoner with the switch knife. Should have brought the daggers. He put on the prison suit of the man he stabbed and quickly sewed the rip back together. Eric ran with the rest of the prisoners to the tower.

When they all got there a group of prisoners were waiting in the lobby. Eric ran down the main hall looking at the labels on the doors. John/Pete, E/Clay, last Bloom/Harpy. Eric turned and slid on the slippery floor. He grabbed the handle to the door and pulled himself up. He ran all the way up the stairs until he came to a small door. IT was cracked but blocked. The two beds and the broken radio sat in front of the door.

"Maddie!," Eric screamed while kicking down the door. The broken radio collapsed on itself but the bed stayed still. Eric heard a jump from in the room. He gave one last kick with all his power, and the door came tumbling down the large stairwell. When Eric looked inside he saw himself sitting on the windowsill.

"What are you doing here, handsome," said Maddie changing back into her form.

"You know," replied Eric.

"No I don't."

"Don't be sarcastic you little-"

"Blah blah blah."

"Just jump and kill yourself."

"Oh, what would be the fun in that."

Maddie jumped down from the window and kicked Eric his daggers. He had dropped them and the bow when he used the bloom blood to warp around the bullet. Eric picked them up and sheathed the gold one. Maddie pulled out her axe and took a swing at Eric. It missed and got stuck in the door. Eric jabbed his dagger into Maddie's back sending her sprawling around on the floor. Maddie pulled the dagger out of her back right as Eric used the gold dagger to stab her leg. She fell back onto it as blood rushed from her back and leg. "Was all the crying and killing fake?," said Eric. Maddie nodded Yes as she jumped up and grabbed her axe.

Maddie dug her axe into Eric's left arm. He shaped his arm into gas before she cut it off. Eric rolled behind Maddie and grabbed the silver dagger. Right before Maddie hit Eric in the back of the head a bounty hunter barged in and shot Maddie through the hole that was made by the daggers. They all stopped. "You are under arrest Eric Harpy for assault on another person!," said the bounty hunter. Eric stopped and put his hands up. Maddie turned to face the bounty hunter and saw what Eric saw. The guard had Eric held at gunpoint.

The next day Eric was locked inside the same cell as before. His arms were being hung by chains. He leaned forward but couldn't go any further. He was trapped, Eric struggled. The chains rattled but didn't let him free. Eric closed his eyes to try to take the form of Matt. His arm started to turn purple, but it faded as Eric looked down. His face was covered in blood. It was dripping from a hole where he had injected the Bloom blood. Eric started to feel dizzy. He blacked out looking at the window of the room.

The next morning Eric was a lot more energized. Eric flipped around to where his hands were in front of him. He reached forward and opened the door. Standing right in front of him was a guard with ear buds in. Eric froze. The door flew open and the chains snapped on the blade of the door stop. The handcuffs were still on his hands. Eric wrapped the chain of the cuffs around the neck of the guard. The guard started to struggle, he reached his arms around. Eric was flipped over the guard's head. He hit the ground and looked up. Maddie was wearing the guard armour.

Maddie used the guard spear to stab Eric. She threw him into the cell and tied his arms to the window and flipped him over. Eric was hanging over the one hundred foot drop. "Bye," said Maddie taking off the helmet. She cut the rope, but Eric grabbed the window sill. Maddie turned and left thinking Eric was dead. Eric threw a rock down just to make sure Maddie wasn't listening.

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