siete. play date

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Only a week later and Patricia was dressing Zayn and Louis to meet Ed and Oli at the park. Zayn was putting on his jacket and Louis was by the door waiting for him.

When he was done he ran over and grabbed his big brother's hand in his own little hand. Louis swung their hands back and forth together as they walked down the sidewalk.

He had his backpack full of toys and books whilst Zayn's booksack had their changing clothes in case something happened.

When they made it to the park and Zayn saw Ed he broke out in a run and Louis soon followed behind him. Zayn hugged Oli first and then Ed while Louis did the opposite.

Louis opened his booksack and pulled out his toys. "Louis be Superman. Zaynie be Batman. Ed be Spiderman. Oli be Wonderwoman." He tells thwm handing them as he says.

"Lou!" Zayn pouts reaching for the Wonder Woman toy to which Oli happily traded with him. Zayn smiled at Louis and made his action figure kiss Louis'. "Lob Lou." Zayn said. "Lou love Zayn too." Louis responded.

After a while it started to get dark and Ed and Oli's mother came to get them. Zayn was really sad as well as the other boys too.

"Tomorrow you boys can sleep over." Oli's mom says. "Yay." Louis claps grinning widely. Zayn didn't understand what was said but Louis was happy so he was happy. Tricia walked them home before it got too dark.

When they got to the house Doniya and Yaser were eating ice cream and pizza. "Want some Zayn? Trish?" Yaser asked completely ignoring Louis.

Louis frowned and ran upstairs. He dumped the toys out of his booksack with the exception of Superman and wonder Woman and packed some of his and Zayn's things.

"Zayn!" He screamed. When Zayn came upstairs Louis put his finger to his lips and climbed out the small window. "Come Lou?" Zayn asks and Louis nods. When his little feet touch the ground he helps Zayn out as well.

And they run

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