nueve. boy friend

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Louis and Oli were in a fort that they made. Ed was asleep in his room and Zayn was asleep in Oli's room. They were the only two awake.

"Hey Lou?" Oli asks just before they're going to sleep. "Hmm?" Louis asks sleepily. "Wanna bwe mwy bwoyfwiend?" Oli asks not really knowing what the word meant.

"Do we have to kiss?" Louis asks. "Onwy swometwimes." Oli says and Louis smiles and nods. "S'kay." He says before pecking Oli's lips.

Oli giggles when they pull away before laying his head on Louis' chest. Louis wrapped an arm around him and they fell asleep like that. Under the fort in each other's arms.

The next morning Louis woke up to the sound of his little brother crying. He pushed Oli off of him softly and ran to where the noise was coming from.

It was coming from the kitchen where he saw his whole family. He was met with a look of disappointment from Tricia and an angry look from both Yaser and Doniya but what hurt the most was the tears running down Zayn's face.

"What's wrong Zee?" He asked ignoring everyone else. "Kary Lou." Zayn says running into his brother's arms.

"What was scary Zee?" Louis asks. "Lone Lou. Left Zee." Zayn says crying even more. "Sowwy Zee. I fell asleep downstairs." Louis pouts making his eyes big, grinning when Zayn nods.

He leans down and presses a kiss to Zayn's cheek making Zayn frown but he didn't say anything as Louis started getting scolded by his parents.

Oli walked in smiling with Ed holding on to him. "Hi Mrs. and Mr. Malik." Oli said while Ed nodded too. "Ayn play?" As asks and Zayn nods letting go of Louis sadly.

Zayn and Ed ran upstairs together and Oli smiled at Louis when he heard their footsteps stop. "We go pway too." He says kissing Louis on the lips shocking everyone. It was deadly silent. Yaser took a sharp intake of breath but his words made Louis smile for once.

"Well you like who you like."

BABYBROTHER (book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now