Zuko x BloodBender!Reader

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Requested by: user09458128

Thank you for your request, I hope you like it! <3

Every once in a while you needed to take a break from travelling with Team Avatar. You didn't mind their company, but the peace and quiet of travelling by yourself was fulfilling. Besides being away from them gave you time to mess around with your newest ability, blood bending. The group didn't know you could do this, you hadn't ever been in a situation serious enough to have to use it with them around and you simply hadn't wanted to tell them.

It wasn't like you minded being able to control living beings. It had its perks, like almost always giving you the upper hand in battles against the fire nation. There were some downsides though, like the amount of energy it cost you and the sleepless nights you had experienced ever since you found out you could blood bend at any given time. You vividly recalled the moment you discovered this.

It was when you had decided to leave the group as well. Somewhat tired of Sokka's constant complaints and the way they all hated the guy you secretly had a small crush on. It was when you were walking down a beach when you were suddenly attacked by a fireball being thrown in front of you. You had been quick to gather some water to armor yourself with as you looked for the source of the fire.

Prince Zuko had revealed himself, throwing another couple of fireballs at you. You had used the water to shield yourself, then immediately attacked with a strong wave of water. 'Where is he?!' Zuko had angrily yelled, still so desperate to find the avatar. You knew they were on their way headed for Omashu, but you wouldn't tell him that, so you simply didn't answer him.

The lack of reply angered Zuko further. He used his anger to create a more powerful fireblast to attack you, which you barely managed to jump from. This however resulted in you tripping and falling to the ground.

Zuko stalked his way over to you, his hands ready in fighting position while you tried to get back on your feet. You fearfully looked up at him once you saw his boots planted in the sand in front of you. You were sure he was going to burn you to ashes right there, your eyes squeezed shut and your hands clenched into fists tightly while you waited for the impact of his fire.

It didn't come.

'What the hell did you do to me?!' Zuko yelled, staring down at you perplexed. He wanted to move, hell he was trying to move, but somehow his body wouldn't let him. Still clenching your hands, you got back to your feet and glanced at him. He was frozen to the spot, right in front of you. That's when you felt it too. The feeling was alike the one you experienced during a full moon with one of your old water bending teachers. She had shown you the ways of blood bending, but when you realized what she was doing to innocent villagers you had turned her own power against her.

This time you were doing it during broad daylight however. You could feel Zuko's blood flowing, almost like the waves of the water came and went, except this was stronger, more forceful, almost pulsating. Realization hit you and you quickly grew disgusted with yourself. You didn't want to be like the old woman, but you weren't doing this on purpose. Your self-anger mingled with fear, only resulting in your grip on the boy in front of you to become stronger. He groaned, his head starting to ache due receiving only a limited amount of blood. Upon hearing this you quickly backed away from him, releasing your grip.

'I'm sorry, Zuko. I'm so sorry', you spoke in a devastated voice, turning around on your heel and making a run for it.

Zuko felt a tug at his heart when he heard the pain in the [H/C] girl's voice. His anger and the growing headache quickly forgotten. Her apology only confirmed his suspicion that she had been the one to freeze him to his spot. Remembering his uncle's stories he realized she had to have been blood bending him. He had no clue she could do that and apparent to her sudden disappearance she didn't either. The prince was impressed with this previous display of your strength, but soon realized you didn't seem to feel the same way. Barely registering the mixed thoughts and feelings swirling in his mind and body, he knew he wanted to comfort you in that moment. In the distance he could still see your figure moving and he sprinted after you to get closer.

You had been closer to the banished prince ever since that day. It made occasions when he was trying to capture Aang with you around slightly awkward, but the both of you had agreed to act like you still hated each other in the presence of the group. During your trips away from them, the both of you often met up and chatted around for a while. It was during these times when you saw a whole different Zuko: a complete opposite to the angry banished prince desperately seeking for his honor in a ridiculous way. It were the times you saw his potential if only he decided to stop chasing the avatar. Being around this side of Zuko had only caused your little crush on him to grow further and further.

When you discovered you were able to blood bend during the day, you had been frightened of yourself. You worried about almost every movement you made and felt extremely guilty for having used it on the prince on accident. Your constant overthinking led to many sleepless nights.

If it weren't for Zuko, you probably still wouldn't have accepted it yourself. To the best of his ability (he had no clue on how to water bend let alone blood bend), he had tried to help you control it and even more so helped you accept this new part of you. Often allowing you to catch up on sleep in his embrace when you were away from the group, which worked great wonders for your wellbeing.

Sitting by yourself in the dark and thinking back to all of these memories your heart fluttered. Your feelings for the prince had drastically increased over time and you could only hope he felt the same way. You just didn't have the guts to tell him.

You were startled by a sudden sound, coming from the trees behind you. You momentarily froze, before readying yourself to defend in case of an attack.

'Don't you know it's dangerous for a girl like you to be out here by yourself?' Immediately recognizing the male voice coming from behind you, you relaxed and replied without looking up: 'You know I can handle myself, Zuko.'

'Sure', he replied while gathering some sticks from nearby, 'that's why you've made yourself a campfire.'

You slightly giggled, watching him easily create a fire with his bending, 'we're not all walking matchsticks.'

Zuko playfully nudged your shoulder as he sat down beside you, the touch sending little electric shocks through your body. This made you very aware of his proximity, you noticed how your shoulders slightly grazed and you felt the warmth of the fire bender heating you up more than any campfire ever could. When you looked up at him with a smile, you found him already looking down at you. Your gaze met, before your eyes briefly dropped to his lips finding them curled into a fond smile. They seemed so soft and you wondered what it would feel like to kiss them. Looking back into his eyes, you realized you had been caught staring at the prince, but before you could try to create any distance Zuko had already pressed his lips against yours.

For a few seconds you sat still, your mind not yet processing the feelings going on in your body, then your lips responded to the kiss. The sensation of his lips against yours filled up your senses, it heated up your entire body and caused the butterflies in your stomach to somersault. Your hand found the back of his neck, while his cupped your cheek, deepening your first kiss.

Too soon you had to break apart to breathe, but you never really broke the distance. With your foreheads resting against each other, you looked into Zuko's eyes again. His lips slightly brushed against yours as he quietly spoke 'you don't know for how long I've wished to do that.'

Instead of replying and telling him, you had been wanting this all along too. You closed your eyes and pressed your lips back against his, allowing him to make up for all that lost time.

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now