Zuko x Servant!Reader - Untitled :)

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Requested by: Anonymous. Thank you for the request and enjoy! <3

I'm updating this in a rush and unfortunately I can't come up with a title. Maybe in the future  or with your suggestions! :)

Oh my sorry, I thought I published this like a month ago. But upon just publishing the next OS I realized I hadn't. Sorry guys! Here's a double update in this case :)


'Get up, you lazy outcast. You're not on my ship to sleep', Zhau's voice boomed off the walls of your bedroom. It wasn't really a bedroom, more a prison chamber below deck where you slept on a bunch of old rugs to protect you from the cold floor.

You had barely been asleep for a few hours, when Zhau was already here waking you up. Your mind wasn't ready to process this and he seemed to notice as he fired several fireballs in your direction. All of them missed you by just an inch. 'Wake up', he yelled right beside you this time. You looked up at him, quickly crawling to your knees and bowing down.

'I'm sorry, master Zhau', you forced yourself to sound as sincerely as possible. Maybe if you showed him an extra load of respect he would go easier on you today. At least that's what you hoped when you felt your nose touch the cold floor from your "respectful" bow to your master.

'Look at me', he commanded and you immediately obeyed, 'that's more like it, slave, but it's not good enough.' Slap! 'When I come into my room, I want my breakfast there, ready.'

Your cheek burned and tears stung in your eyes, threatening to fall. He had slapped you again, luckily just once this time. The moment you heard the door shut, you let out sigh you'd been holding. Quickly gathering some water in your palm, you held it against your cheek. The cold water relieved the pain and you allowed it to heal yourself for a few seconds. There still needed to form a bruise though, Zhau couldn't know you were a bender. If he did, he'd kill you.

It took you mere minutes to get ready and make your way up to the kitchen above deck. You had to hurry if you still wanted to get on the commander's good side today. This meant he'd only verbally abuse you.

It was hard to not poison the breakfast you had to prepare for the monster that believed he owned you on a regular day. However on days like these, where he'd wake you up after you had been cleaning till early morning and only just fallen asleep, it was a whole different level. You detested Zhau and would do anything to get away from him. You just couldn't: you didn't have any skill at bending, nor did you have a place to go. If you even managed to escape, you were sure he'd have someone hunt you down to kill you. You meant nothing to the reckless firebender.

Zhau had... adopted you, to phrase it nicely. In reality he had just bought you for a low price at a slave market. You had been taken from the Northern watertribe by a small group of firebenders when you were trying to improve your bending abilities. Since your home only allowed female benders to be healers, you had to train yourself in order to learn how to fight. This too meant you were easily overpowered by the firebenders and taken captive.

With a prepared plate of breakfast in your hands, you hurried to Zhau's quarters. Just in time you had placed it down and were on your knees for your disgusting master, waiting to be dismissed.

'I'm meeting with the banished prince later. I want you to freshen up and wear some nice clothes. I told the cook to prepare food and drinks, so you can't mess that up. Be on your best behavior so that failed piece of royalty can see I'm better.'

'Of course, master Zhau', you replied monotone, getting up with your head down and quickly hurrying out of his room.

It was a few hours later when you were ready and awaiting the prince of the Firenation, knelt right beside Zhau. From what he had told you, the prince his name was Zuko and he was banished by his father, you'd recognize him from the scar. Zhau forbade you to speak to him or his "fat" uncle, the old general Iroh.

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now