Invasion: Part Two to Fire - Sokka x Firebender!Reader

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Requested by: @dusty-skies Thank you for your request! I'm sorry this took so long to write, I hope you enjoy reading though :) 

Ever since the day Sokka had asked you to make a fire, the two of you had been getting along more and more. He seemed to be doing much better too. The dark bags under his eyes had slowly disappeared with time and his fire in battles had returned, actually showing you how skilled the young warrior was regardless of his disadvantage in bending battles. Sokka had also become more cheerful, smiling all the time and cracking jokes, reminiscing embarrassing stories to you from the months he had travelled with his sister and Aang before.

You really liked this new version of Sokka and had gradually developed feelings for the young man. However your hopes in him ever returning those feelings were quickly crushed in Ba Sing Se during a battle with Azula and her brother, where she started teasing Sokka about a girl named Suki and how she was such a stupid girl thinking he'd come and save her. Sokka, letting his anger take control over him, easily fought down the princess, yelling at her to tell him the whereabouts of this Suki. Realizing he'd never feel the same way about you or fight for you the way he did for her, broke your heart into pieces.

As you were momentarily distracted from your battle against Zuko, he quickly made a fierce hit on you. A sudden wave of immense pain fought its way through your body, causing your knees to buckle beneath you and your entire body to drop to the ground. You hissed as you felt the burning pain growing around your hip and waist. Your vision blurred but you weren't sure if it were from the tears or the pain clouding your vision, though you did see the sudden waves of white light flashing through the underground space and then everything turned black.

That had been a few weeks ago. With the help of Katara's healing abilities your burn was now almost healed. The only memory of it was the noticeable by the scar on your side. Except for the healing sessions, most of your time was consumed by training hand to hand combat for the day of the invasion. According to Sokka's plans and calculations, you wouldn't be able to use your firebending during the eclipse, meaning you'd be useless in battle if you didn't learn how to properly fight. Despite the many training sessions you had had with several warriors, including Sokka, you still sucked at fighting without using your bending.

'Left, Y/N!' 'Pay attention to your right. Don't forget to cover your back.' 'Keep focusing!' Sokka's comments flew by quickly, one after the other. You kept turning and trying to listen to him, but then you tripped and were easily knocked down by your training opponent.

You laid on the ground for a moment before sitting back up, seeing Sokka stand in front of you and offering you his hand. 'Thanks', you accepted his help and sighed deeply. 'I'm terrible at this. I can't fight without my bending, Sokka.'

'You're getting better. How about you get back in your position and I'll show you what to improve', he spoke motivating, his hands already nudging your body.

Slightly irritated by his never ending positivity you did as he asked and felt his hands guide your arms and legs into a better position. 'Lower your arms, a little closer to one another. This way you're protecting yourself better, especially around here...' his hand mindlessly travelled over your waist, leaving tingles on the lightly covered skin and stopped to caress the spot where your scar was. Meanwhile his eyes were locked with yours and he leaned in closer.

Your heart started beating faster and you tilted your head, leaning forward while your eyes fluttered shut. Suddenly a force roughly pulled on your shoulders, your eyes flew open staring at Sokka who was about to fight you to the ground.

You weren't about to give in that easily though and pushed and pulled in his grip. Quickly resulting in the two of you tumbling down. With a huff you fell on your back looking straight at Sokka, who had fallen on top of you.

Your eyes met before dropping to his lips while his fell on yours, then he shook his head and started climbing off of you. 'That was good, Y/N. Just don't lose focus in the first place.'

Sokka's training methods were interesting to say the least, often filled with a lot of desire and sexual tension and a hint of awkwardness. Despite this you hadn't ever even kissed. This didn't surprise you as much as his ways of training confused you. Didn't he have a girlfriend? The girl named Suki?

Training with Sokka often distracted you and now you wished you had paid more attention before. However it was too late to regret everything and anything you had or hadn't done during this time. As you were all nearing the firenation Sokka approached you. 'Y/N', he softly spoke guiding you out of hearing distance from anyone else.

'Hey. What's up?', you smiled softly at him.

'I just- no', he shook his head to himself. 'Well, you see-', followed by some mumbles and then another disapproving 'no' from himself. 'You don't have to come with us, Y/N. It's dangerous and I know you're worried about not having your bending to protect yourself and well in case anything happens I just wanted you to know that I...', he paused, looking around anxiously, before taking a step closer to you and wrapping his arms around your waist.

'I really like you, Y/N.' His eyes closed and his lips pressed against yours in a gentle manner, unlike you had expected from the young warrior. As if on their own, your lips moved along with his creating an eruption of butterflies in your stomach.

Of course this was soon ruined by your mind yelling you were kissing the guy with a girlfriend and you broke away quickly, taking a large step back.

Hurt and disappointment filled Sokka's eyes when he looked at you. 'I'm sorry', he mumbled looking down.

'Sorry for what, Sokka?' You replied accusingly. 'For cheating on your girlfriend or for leading me on, constantly getting my hopes up only to end up crushing them once again?

His head shot up in confusion when you mentioned a girlfriend and he shook a vicious 'no', trying to remember what you were talking about.

'Azula mentioned Suki', you stated sounding more confident than you were actually feeling as the hurt and pain filled up your chest and spread through every vein in your body. You stared at your feet, not wanting to see the way Sokka would look at you now.

'Suki and I broke up a long time ago, she's just a friend, Y/N... I never felt for her what I feel for you.' He had gotten closer to you again and his fingers trailed over your cheek, resting on your chin and tilting your head up towards him. 'If the invasion is over, will you please be my girlfriend?'

You nodded silently, watching as he once again leaned forward and placed his lips on yours. Though unlike the first time, you didn't pull away allowing him to kiss you deeply.

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now