No Strangers - Zuko x Firebender!Reader

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Unless you'd all like a long author's note (then please write me questions), I'll stick to this short note at the beginning of this chapter.

1. I'm sorry it's been so long. I don't really have a good excuse other than I've had a lot on my mind regarding my education and I haven't enjoyed writing in a while.

2. I promise I'm trying my best to write the requests I still have from months ago and they will be published in the future. I honestly feel bad for leaving people who took the time to ask me to write them with nothing, so they're coming. (Someday)

3. I hope you're all doing well in this current Corona crisis. Please take good care of yourself and where possible look out for those around you within the set limits.

On the chapter:

This was requested in my inbox awhile ago so I'm going to treat it as anonymous unless requester asks differently. Thank you dear requester for your patience and request. I hope you and everyone else reading enjoys this. :)

Warning (is it really though?): (1) Reader gets hurt (requested); (2) I don't think the plot is logical.

Update: There's a different picture now :)


Years ago on your first day as a refugee in Ba Sing Se, you had stumbled across the Pao Family Tea House. The place had screamed warmth and smelled like home, so you went in. Ever since that day you kept coming back for their tea, growing more accustomed to being called Lin rather than Y/N, since no one could know where you came from.

As more and more refugees from around the world came to Ba Sing Se out of fear for your nation and tealeaves became rarer, the teashop started to lose its quality, but out of habit and longing for home you couldn't give up on them. Their lychee tea was the one brew that kept most of its quality and over time you learned that it would taste even better if you added a little of your secretly brought honey. So every day you went in for breakfast, until one day the owner, Pao, told you they'd close.

For a moment you were completely shocked, but when the old man proceeded to explain he had found two new employees of which one had a great taste for tea and they'd renovate the place, you couldn't help but be happy for him and of course promise to visit as soon as they'd reopen.

So here you were, a couple days later entering the now brightly colored teashop you'd come to for years. Aside from the change in scenery, the most obvious change was the smell. The teashop used to be a dusty, damp place with an odd herb mix going on, but this time it smelled fresh and clean, and sweet and spicy all at once. The new people really knew how to brew tea.

You proceeded ahead to Pao, who beamed brightly at you, 'can I offer you a free green tea as a try with your usual order, miss Lin? Most of my customers seem to love it.'

'Of course, Pao', you smiled politely and handed him the money you owed, as he pointed you to a more remote seat.

Sitting down you looked around the place once more, people seemed to enjoy themselves in the renovated place and from around you, you heard people speaking positively about their teas.

You didn't notice the dark haired boy walking up to you with your order until he begrudgingly placed it down on your table, 'enjoy your tea at Pao Family Tea House.'

Glancing up at him, you smiled brightly, 'thank you, I'm sure I will', you replied and he walked away immediately.

From the corner of your eye you noticed Pao and an elder man staring intently at you as you brought the first cup of tea to your lips. Pretending not to notice the two men you tasted their tea and a second bright smile was brought to your lips. This tea was absolutely incredible!

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now