All Seasons Round 3/3 - AU - Depressed!Zuko x GenderNeutral!Therapist!Reader

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Warnings: happy ending, meh-written ending

If you're dealing with any mental health issues, it's okay to seek help. In the chapter titled 'suicide hotlines' of this book you can find a list of suicide crisis lines across the world. 

Final part to this mini series. Again, the idea for this came from a request by: @crxstxllxzxd. I hope you all enjoy this.

Let me know if you'd like me to add a recap at te beginning of this chapter for those of you that didn't read the other two parts because of the warnings. Or maybe all you need to know is that originally reader was Zuko's therapist but the treatment didn't work out too well, since Zuko didn't want therapy in the first place and looked at Y/N in a romantic way. He left early during a session, accidentally slipping he had a crush on Y/N.

I suck at summaries.


He didn't come back after that. The following month you kept the weekly hour you'd usually spent with Zuko free of any appointments, waiting in your office just in case he'd show up, but he never did. You had started investing more of your time in studying methods of treating younger children and teenagers, considering whatever you had tried with Zuko hadn't worked out and you wished to improve yourself both on a personal and a professional level.

By now your parents knew what happened with your young patient, but for some reason they weren't as hard on you as you had expected them to be. Instead they told you sometimes the patient and therapist don't match and the best thing you could've, and should've, done was help him find someone he would match with.

You weren't sure if that really was the thing that went wrong between Zuko and you, considering you really cared for the boy and enjoyed spending time with him. And based on his outburst in your office, he had too. You figured that must've been the worst part of it, neither one of you saw the other the way they should've in a professional therapeutic relationship and that was why the treatment hadn't worked out. The blame for this still was mostly on you though.

But blaming and pointing fingers at this point of time didn't matter anymore, Zuko was gone from your life and there was nothing you could do about it. You just genuinely hoped he would find someone who would give him the treatment he needed and deserved.

Winter passed rather uneventfully, your workload increasing as you started a new treatment with a younger child. Your new knowledge and insights were helping you much better this time around, staying more aware of your own feelings along the process. It turned out to be a success for both your patient and yourself.

Zuko never left your mind and as spring came around you found your eyes wandering through your window again, looking at the first bright rays of sunshine, the blossoms on the tree and the paths you used to walk with him. These scenes quickly became so enticing you couldn't help yourself but wander outside whenever you had a free moment or studied.

One particular day when you were feeling a bit down yourself and in need of reliving the memories you had made with Zuko, you found your feet taking you to the usual hidden spot in the park where you and Zuko spent a lot of time during the previous summer.

It wasn't until you were near the open space that you realized there was someone else there. A very specific boy with messy dark hair and beautiful amber eyes.

Upon the sight of him your heartbeat increased, immediately recognizing his posture and features even if all you could really see was his backside. Your palms became sweaty and you were lost for words, your mind racing at the possibilities laid out for you. You could of course face him, which with your background would probably be the most reasonable thing to do. But it was Zuko, the boy you obviously developed a crush on during his therapy with you and whom had broken the contact between the two of you rather abruptly.

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now