Helpless? Not so much. - Zuko x Blind!Reader

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Requested by @CrackGirl76. My apologies to you and everyone else who has been waiting on their request for months now. I hope you'll enjoy this <3

Zuko hadn't expected there to be more girls like Toph. From his, very few, experiences being blind actually meant not being able to see anything and needing help for almost anything. Toph was an exception to this for some strange reason but he highly doubted there were more cases like herself. For all he really understood from the blind girl, her eyes didn't work but because of some crazy senses she could feel everything and see that way?!

Zuko hardly managed to wrap his mind around it, but gave up on understanding the concept, knowing the girl was incredibly strong and could handle herself very well from his experiences with her and the stories he had heard about her. However, the blind bandit hadn't changed his entire outlook on blind people altogether. He figured Toph was just a one-of-a-kind kind of girl, slightly odd but nevertheless incredibly strong.

It was during one of the rare times he got to visit his uncle in Ba Sing Se that he ended up roaming the streets in disguise, enjoying the freedom of walking around without people knowing him as the new Firelord or what his past contained. It was then he saw her. She stood out in the midst of a buzzing crowd of citizens in her beautiful green earth kingdom clothes.

Upon a second glance Zuko realized this must've been both a blessing and a curse. Her expensive looking clothes made her stand out in the crowd of working people whom all had slightly faded colors on themselves. She wasn't just drawing his attention, but also the attention of the people surrounding her: filthy men lurking in the corners of the street, burglars wanting some quick money.

Zuko could feel the tension in the air starting to rise, people quieting down and glancing over at the beautiful girl more and more. Whispers, hushed voices, people pointing at her. It was then he noticed the girl's eyes looked incredibly dull, exactly like Toph's, and he realized it probably also meant she was blind.

Immediately jumping to the conclusion that this blind girl obviously had gotten lost due to her lack of sight Zuko approached her with confidence in his step, a hand on his dueling swords as if to dare anyone to start something.

The girl turned, away from him, and started walking in the opposite direction.

Zuko cursed under his breath as he heard the increasing murmurs around him and noticed a couple of earth benders slowly approaching her from the shadows. 'Hey, wait!', he called after her in an attempt to bring the unknown blind girl back to him. She only half turned and waved at him, then continued her stride, radiating more confidence this time. It was almost as if she was daring any of the men to approach her and start something with her.

Zuko sped up, breaking into a slight jog after her and before the men could reach her, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her away from the crowd.

'What the hell do you think you're doing?' she yelled as she shoved Zuko off with such force he stumbled for a moment.

Slightly stunned by what had just happened he gaped at her, 'I- I was just...', he stumbled for a moment, then realized what situation he had just gotten her out of and anger crept up on him. 'You know what, I just saved you from a ton of men trying to take advantage of a girl like you and this is how you thank me?!'

'What's that supposed to mean? "A girl like me"?!' The blind girl yelled back at Zuko that he almost felt bad for his phrasing, screw almost, he did feel bad for it. Her being blind didn't mean he had to point it out like that.

A little ashamed of his outburst he answered, 'I mean, I figured you had gotten lost in the crowds and there were a lot of men just staring at you and... I don't know, I was trying to help you, okay?'

'Who says I need help?' She answered, cocking her head to the side and smirking as if she was challenging him.

'Well, I mean, I didn't..-', Zuko cursed himself for stammering this much but didn't have much more time to think of it when suddenly the ground in front of him was split open and several blocks of earth were thrown in the direction of where he was standing with the girl.

Zuko reached for his swords, but before he could even get a good grip on them he and the girl were surrounded by walls of earth, preventing them from getting hit by the blocks. At the center he realized, stood the blind girl he had just been conversing with in a stance that vaguely reminded him earth bending... but she couldn't have, right?

He didn't have much time to ponder on this situation before her head shot in his general direction and with a tone that didn't take no for an answer said, 'duck'. He obeyed her before he realized he had just taken orders from someone.

Nevertheless he was glad he had. The protective walls the girl had held up shot back into the earth and with a powerful stance, this time he really saw her doing it, the blind girl aimed several flying disks of earth in the direction of several earth benders at the other side of the street and sent another powerful wave of earth in their direction.

In a split second she was beside Zuko, grabbing him by his hand and pulling him along the streets in a run, just like he had done to her before.

They didn't stop running until they were in the higher parts of the city, where the girl finally decided they had ran far enough once they were stood in front of a small, but cozy looking house.

Zuko, once he had regained his breathing from the long run with the girl, stared at her in bewilderment and repeatedly opened and closed his mouth as if he was going to say something to her, but he couldn't think of the right words. What was he even supposed to say to her now? Should he apologize?

His momentarily thought process was cut short bya deep sigh and with a slight grimace the girl turned towards him, 'you'rewelcome for saving your life, mister. I may be blind, but I'm not as helplessas you'd like to think.' She paused for a moment and Zuko strongly believed shewas going to walk away from him in that moment without giving another thought,but she didn't and for some strange reason he felt relieved when he heard hervoice again, 'anyway, thank you for looking out for me, although I believe youput us in more trouble than was necessary. This is where I live, would you liketo come in for some tea?'

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