Not just royalty - Zuko x MaintenanceWorker!Reader

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This was requested by @Nacatu. Thank you for letting me know it was you! Enjoy everyone. It's quite a long OS, thanks to Nacatu providing me with a very detailed request. :) 

Update: I hadn't realized this story was in here twice, thank you @Cheshire30427 for bringing this to my attention. I think I fixed it :)

No picture, sorry. Suggestions are welcome :)


Following into your father's footsteps of a maintenance worker at the royal palace had come almost natural to you. This wasn't a surprise considering the fact you had grown up in the place ever since you were a little girl. Most of your days were spent by your father's side, giving you the best training for your job possible. Your tasks usually considered of replacing broken furniture and fixing several other larger objects, like pillars and beams. A lot of things got hurt in the Firenation palace due to the firebending siblings: princess Azula and her older brother Zuko.

Zuko's room was almost daily on your task list, whether his bed got burnt or his door turned to crisp the young prince always had something you needed to fix. He'd blame his sister, but it hadn't taken you long to figure out he was just short tempered. Hence the teasing started.

'Good morning, your royal highness. What seems the problem today? Did any candles get knocked over last night upon seeing your crown?', you smirked at the teenager in his room. A couple of burnt spots were on his drawer.

'Maybe. Just get to work, Y/N', the bender replied slightly annoyed with your attitude.

You chuckled, 'of course, your majesty. Anything else before you resume to your daily struggles of sitting through fancy lunches and dinner conversations?'

'Meetings. I've got a war meeting in the afternoon', he attempted to correct you while you were studying the damage.

'Not a candle', you stated bluntly, 'perhaps you thought your drawer was an assassin ready to kill the crown prince in his sleep. I don't think they would've survived this attack.' You paused for a moment, 'I'll have your drawer replaced by the end of the day.'

Zuko took a look at you, contemplating his chances of getting on your good side this morning, but realized he wouldn't. Like today would've been different from all the other days, and so he left his room, ready to get his duties over with.

Your relationship with him had been the same ever since the day you met. You'd always find a way to make him feel stupid about his title, to the point where he realized you likely thought of him as weak for being a prince.

Zuko didn't know how to change this image you had of him. He also didn't really know why he cared about your opinion on him so much. He started by leaving things for you in his room when you had to come fix something once again, often these were snacks he hoped you'd like and eat to help you get through the day. But every day he ended up slightly disappointed when he'd find them nicely placed back on his dresser or wherever he had put them. Always untouched.

It wasn't until one day when he hadn't seen you around until late in the afternoon. Zuko was walking through one of the dining halls and noticed you struggling with a beam twice your size. Watching the situation, Zuko realized this was one of his dad's projects. Firelord Ozai wished to have another stage build in this specific hall for him to sit on whenever he had guests over. Something to do with showing off his power and royal privilege to visitors. Zuko didn't get his reasoning.

As he looked at your small, but strong figure from a distance he realized you were all alone on this project. Studying your figure he noticed your grip on the beam started faltering, your arms repositioning themselves to support the weight of the heavy material. You were going to drop it and hurt yourself.

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now