Fire - Sokka x Firebender!Reader

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Requested by: dusty-skies Thank you! <3

Alright before you read this OS, I think it sucks. I'm sorry I couldn't do a better job. It's awfully long and just not right, so I'm really sorry. I liked the idea, but am just lacking in the writing department. Oh well, I do hope you'll enjoy it when reading!

Ever since you joined the avatar and his group of friends Sokka had been acting strange. You didn't notice the change in behavior like Aang, Katara and Toph did, but you definitely could tell something was up with the boy whenever you were around. This gut feeling was only more confirmed when one night you heard them quietly speak of their worries about the boy.

Sokka had openly shown his disapproval of allowing you in the group back when they were travelling through the Earth kingdom. Reminding the others they already had seen at least 3 firenation enemies (Zhau, Zuko and Azula) trying to chase them down, capture Aang and probably kill him. They didn't need to let in another one of those bloody firebenders to threaten them. For all he knew you could be a spy working for Azula!

However he was outnumbered by the other three friends who figured it couldn't hurt to let you in as well. Toph sensed you were completely honest when you told them how you wanted to help fix the mistakes your nation made. Aang believed he could learn more from you about the spiritual ways of firebenders, he too wanted to give you a chance at helping them. Katara figured you could maybe end up teaching Aang firebending, although the young avatar had sworn off using the element completely.

As a compromise to Sokka, during the first two weeks you barely spent a minute alone, always being watched over by one of the others to make sure you wouldn't cause any trouble and didn't mean any harm, even at night when you slept. You tried to make the best of these moments by simply making conversation and getting to know your "guards", which worked well for everyone but Sokka. Gradually the others figured it wasn't necessary to watch over you and you officially became part of their group, much to Sokka's dislike.

This was when Sokka's behavior started to change drastically, deep dark blue bags started showing underneath his eyes and he would sometimes fall asleep when you were flying on Appa. Only to wake up startled, grab his dagger and point it in a random direction (often where you were).

When you started paying more attention to the boy, you realized he would always make sure to walk behind you and whenever you glanced at him, his eyes were already glaring into yours, a hand resting on one of the weapons he carried around.

The way he never seemed to trust you, slightly hurt you, but you hoped by showing him that you didn't mean any harm you would slowly gain his trust as well. How difficult this was going to be was only proven to you more when he jumped in your fight against Azula, almost resulting in him getting killed.

The young princess had attacked your group once again, the others being busy fighting off her friends leaving you to battle the firebender. You were a skilled firebender like Azula, making it an intense fight at which neither of you seemed to be winning or losing. This changed when Sokka decided to jump in the crossfire and start swinging around with his sword at her. You couldn't continue attacking the princess anymore if you didn't want to hurt Sokka, so you had to watch from a distance as the princess easily got the upper hand on him. Her blue flames forcing the boy backwards rapidly.

It wasn't until you heard the familiar cracking of lightning when your head shot up and you realized Sokka was now laying on the ground, Azula towering over him. You sprinted towards the duo, using your fire to blast yourself forward faster and already preparing yourself for the lightning attack.

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now