Growing Feelings - Sokka x Reader

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So the idea for this request was snapshots of Sokka and Y/N on their journey. I'm not sure how well I've managed on this. While writing this I thought of the entire journey in smaller snippets, so there's some scenes from the series and some parts I came up with myself. Thank you @dusty-skies  for your request. I'm so sorry it took me ages to post, but I hope you'll enjoy it ! :)


Sokka and Y/N had been friends ever since the moment they had spent their playtime together as toddlers. There weren't a lot other kids to choose from to play with in the southern water tribe, but even if there had been, the two likely would've found each other anyway. They were like Yin and Yang, complementing each other to a perfect balance. Sokka constantly made jokes in any and every situation while Y/N would approach it with caution and seriousness. Although she did often laugh with him and Sokka secretly appreciated her opinion more than anyone else's.

It was therefore obvious Sokka wouldn't leave the Southern water tribe without her when he and his sister went after Aang. Besides, she wouldn't have let him go without her if he wanted to.


'Sokka, for Spirit's sake, can you shut up about food for once? We're all hungry but unless you suddenly develop a great skill at fishing, we're not getting anything until we reach the next town!', you exclaimed at Sokka's hundredth time of complaining how empty his stomach was. Both Aang and Katara had shut your bickering out a long time ago.

'Excuse me? I'm a great fisher for your information, or have you forgotten about that time when I caught-'

'Enough fish to feed the entire village for a month. Yes Sokka, I've heard that at least four times now. May I remind you I was there to help you catch a third of that?' You slightly giggled to yourself at the memory and Sokka grumbled something under his breath.

'What was that?', you smiled innocently at him.

'I told you to go fish, since apparently you're so good at it', Sokka muttered at the H/C girl.

'Alright fine, but not because you asked so nicely. Just because I want to prove you that I'm better at it than you are.' You redirected your attention to the airbender, 'Aang, would you mind flying us down there to that lake, I'm sure Sokka and I will be able to find some lunch there for us.'


'You couldn't have not fallen for the betrothed princess, Sokka?' You sighed at your best friend's confession and noticed him cringe at your phrasing, 'Sorry, sorry.' 'Alright, so from what I've gathered from you, she's engaged to this guy she doesn't like, right?'

'Yes, Y/N. I just told you that.'

'Just making sure. The only useful advice I can really give you is to be yourself, Sokka. If she doesn't end up liking you, for you then that's her loss. If she does, then you'll find a way.' You smiled at him encouragingly, ignoring the odd pang in your chest at the thought of him being happy with another girl. Perhaps you had just eaten something bad.

'What's the not so useful advice?' Sokka questioned, already smiling gratefully at your words.

'We get rid of the fiancé without anyone ever figuring out it was us.'

'And how exactly would we do that?'

'I told you it wasn't useful advice.'


You had barely left Kyoshi Island on Appa, when Sokka blurted out he was officially in a relationship with the female warrior, Suki. It didn't necessarily come as a surprise, considering you had caught them in a make out session once, but you still scowled at the young warrior. Quickly covering this up for your friends you faked a smile at your best friend.

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now