Lovers - Sokka x Reader

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Requested by: @dusty-skies

I'm sorry this has taken so long. Thank you for requesting and I hope it's somewhat as you hoped for!

Walking back from your swimming trip you noticed Sokka and Zuko chatting. After making quick eye contact with Zuko, who proceeded to roll his eyes in annoyance, Sokka immediately looked in your direction, giving you a quick wink and motioning to come over, which you happily proceeded to do.

'Guys', Zuko groaned when you took a seat on Sokka's lap and the latter wrapped his arms around your bare waist, leaning his head onto your shoulder and kissing your skin. You smiled brightly and held onto your boyfriend's hands, turning your head so you could give him a kiss on the cheek.

Sokka, however, had different intentions for this kiss and turned his head so your lips met, you quickly and eagerly kissed him back. Still enjoying the way his lips on yours created a burning fire throughout your entire body.

'You look amazing', Sokka mumbled while his lips travelled up your neck and you tilted your head eagerly.

'Sokka, remember what we were talking about?' Zuko interrupted, making your boyfriend hum against your skin, pulling back a few seconds after and focusing his attention on the boy in front of you two again and continuing their talk.

It wasn't long before you started getting cold and excused yourself to put on a few more layers of clothing, much to Sokka's dismay and Zuko's pleasure. Instead of entering the tent you kept your clothes in, you decided to sneak into Sokka's place and steal some of his clothes. You knew how much he loved seeing you wear his blue watertribe clothing and you loved the way they made you feel the way his presence caused you to feel: warm, secure and loved. They also smelled like your boyfriend, which was a great bonus.

After a couple of minutes you walked out, wearing your boyfriend's clothes. You saw the others had joined Sokka and Zuko in their previous spot and decided to join them. This time taking a seat beside your lover and wrapping your arms around him, to announce your presence. Sokka looked down at you resting your head on his chest and smiled, his hand finding your head and petting you gently, his fingers gliding through your soft hair. He leant down to whisper in your ear 'you look so incredibly beautiful wearing my clothes, baby. I can't wait to take them off.'

You blushed brightly at his comment and your mind wandered to the events that would happen later that day, causing you to bite your lip. You pressed your body tighter against Sokka's, feeling his hands travel down your back and lifting you up to put you on his lap, facing him.

You smiled down at your boyfriend, completely haven forgotten about your surroundings and the people sitting with you. They hadn't forgotten about your presence however. In your current position it was almost obvious that you were straddling Sokka and close to making out with him. Zuko couldn't stand the sight anymore, he felt extremely annoyed with the constant making out and cuddling of the couple, as well as that they ALWAYS seemed to be together, al - ways. If it didn't affect their group it wouldn't be so bad, but whenever Y/N and Sokka were kissing, the others just became quiet and their group almost seemed to be non-existing.

Zuko looked at the others, noticing Aang and Katara lightly blushing, their fingers grazing each other but their eyes averted from both the couple and each other, Toph couldn't see the events going on and was simply playing with her bracelet, but from the smirk on her face Zuko figured she had somewhat of an idea of the happenings in her surroundings. Glancing back at the couple, he realized he also missed being with Mai and felt out of place and alone in the group. On top of that he could hear the sounds they were making, their lips touching, the whispers from Sokka and the light giggles from Y/N.

'I'm done with you guys!', he yelled standing up and pointing at the couple. His outburst gaining everyone's attention. 'You're always together, always sucking each others faces and never thinking about the way it might make us feel! Even at night I can f**king hear you together. It's gross and I'm done with it!'

Y/N buried her face in Sokka's neck, trying to hide and seek protection from the angry firebender. Sokka wrapped his arms tightly around her and looked at Zuko with a smirk. He thought it was rather funny how the behavior of his girlfriend affected him and didn't mind being the center of her attention all the time. The sight of you in his clothes had made him feel incredibly possessive of you and he had grown quite excited at the thought of what he was going to do with you. Calculating his chances in this situation he figured the easiest (and funniest) thing would be to just accept Zuko's outburst and leave. 'Ah well, glad to know you're done here then. Now if you'll please excuse us, I'm taking Y/N to my tent. I suggest you don't come in, unless everyone's gonna die, then keep your eyes closed.'

Sokka wanted to laugh at the sight of Zuko opening and closing his mouth in complete disbelief, but decided against it and got up, carrying Y/N on his waist and walked away.

Toph couldn't stop laughing at the situation, while Zuko stomped away throwing some fire punches into the air. Aang and Katara simply glanced at each other, smiling awkwardly and finding each others hands to hold.

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now