Prison (Ba Sing Se: Part 3) - Zuko x Reader

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I'm sorry it's been so long for quite a sucky chapter. There's not a lot of Zuko x Reader in this. I hope you enjoy it nevertheless and let me know what you think! <3


Y/N had never returned the ruby choker. In fact she had managed to keep it secret from everyone, including the greedy firebenders that wanted to take all of her stuff. It was the last of her belongings and reminders of her time in Ba Sing Se before the Firenation captured her. Being the leader of the little department of Kyoshi warriors in the fallen Earth Kingdom capital, she was looked upon as dangerous and therefor sent away from the other warriors to a more guarded prison, The Boiling Rock. Y/N thought the name fitted the place. The prison seemed to be stationed at the center of a volcano, causing the water surrounding the island in the middle to be at a constant boiling temperature. It made escaping impossible.

Y/N clearly remembered the day she was captured. She and the other girls had been ambushed once they were inside the Earth Kingdom's palace. Suki had sent them a letter, announcing her arrival in the city and requesting their assistance at the palace. Or so they had believed, because once the five girls made it to the three warriors they were captured by several Dai Li agents. "Suki" revealing to be princess Azula of the Firenation. With her crazy nature, she didn't resemble her older brother at all, Y/N had decided.

Life in prison wasn't very interesting. Every day was almost the same: breakfast, cleaning duty, lunch, cell time, dinner and more time in her cell. Occasionally cell time was replaced with more recreational moments when one block of prisoners were let out of their cells to peacefully hang out together and play card games. This was when the guards were feeling generous.

Cell time was usually spent with extra training sessions, to protect oneself from the guards and other prisoners. During the recreational moments most prisoners liked to be social. Often on a quest to find out who the newbies were and what had been going on in the other departments. One thing Y/N had learned was that news travels fast on an isolated boiling rock.

Among the latest gossip about the recent attempt of a few prisoners to escape was also the story of a certain black haired prince. 'They're saying the Firelord's son is a prisoner here', one of the men in your quarter laughed loudly, calling Zuko several names and making fun of the Firelord.

As much as you had tried to hate the firebender for everything he had done, you couldn't help but grow more and more feelings for him. He couldn't have faked everything, right? The kiss, the sweet gestures and his letter. He had wanted to be honest with you, you just had figured out his secret before he had the chance to tell you.

At least, that's what you had made yourself believe. Prince Zuko was the first boy that had ever made you feel like he only had eyes for you during your first and only date. He even risked his reputation and life for you by lighting all the lanterns at the square.

Maybe the lonely days in prison had idolized your first romance, but it was all you had and you cherished them as much as you could. Especially during the cold times in your cell, occasionally feeling for the red ruby hidden underneath your clothes. So hearing he might be near, definitely sparked your interest in the usually dull prison talk. However the other prisoners couldn't tell you much more than that he seemed to finally be taken prison after betraying his father to join the Avatar during the day of the eclipse. That had been the only day there were no firebenders available on the Boiling Rock during your imprisonment. All prisoners had to stay locked up inside their cells all day.

Once you were back in your cell after your little investigation on Zuko, you overheard a little piece of conversation between the patrolling guards: 'have you heard, the warden's niece is coming for a visit along with princess Azula and their friend.'

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