Dinner: Part Two to Competition - Zuko x Reader

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The dinner would have been incredibly boring if you hadn't been sitting next to a man called Iroh. Surprisingly enough you had been placed in one of the more peaceful corners of the dining hall, with this joyful guest to entertain you, instead of on the busy tables where most girls your age seemed to be sitting.

Iroh had informed you the dinner was held as a way of thanking the girls for coming all the way to the firenation capital to possibly become the firelord's wife. It would also be the first time they would get to see him in person, but you probably wouldn't catch a glimpse from where you were sitting. You didn't really care, though. You secretly just wished to see the stranger you had met this afternoon again, but so far he hadn't made an appearance which slightly disappointed you.

However Iroh managed to keep you rather distracted, telling you stories about his life and tea. With great pride he told you stories of the times he spent with his little nephew too, who actually was the firelord now. You smiled listening to him, slowly growing to the realization that the firelord couldn't be as terrible of a man as you always had thought and he definitely didn't seem stupid according to the stories his uncle told you.

When dessert was served, you still hadn't seen the stranger you met this afternoon. You had given up hope you still would. Sighing to yourself you continued to eat from the tasty meal in front of you, however the disappointment you felt slightly ruined it.

'No one eats tart with such a sour face. Something must be troubling you. If you don't mind me asking, what is it?' Iroh spoke from next to you.

You looked up at the man who was reading you like an open book, his eyes displaying genuine concern for you. 'It's not that much', you started speaking, 'a friend invited me to the dinner, but so far I haven't seen him yet.'

Iroh stroked his beard, thinking about what you just said, 'sometimes we cross paths with someone when we least expect it.'

For a while you continued the conversation about your encounter with the scarred stranger this afternoon. Iroh listening to your story with much interest.

When the two of you noticed most people were starting to leave the room Iroh offered you to drink a cup of his tea in a more private area of the palace. You, having heard his stories about his tea shop in the city of Ba Sing Se, couldn't refuse the kind offer of the man who had been a great companion, listener and advisor all night. So the two of you left along with all the other people, just heading in a different direction further down the palace.

You followed Iroh around the large halls, looking around and wondering how one couldn't lose their way in such a large place where almost every hall and every door seemed to be just like the previous one. He led you into what you liked to call a tea-room. The moment you stepped in you could faintly smell the various herbs used to brew tea. The room was decorated in such way that everything seemed to be peaceful and serene. There was a small stove, next to a large cupboard, probably used for brewing tea and at the center of the room a tiny table stood surrounded by spots for people to sit.

'This is a very lovely room, Iroh', you spoke as you looked around.

Iroh smiled brightly, 'it's my design. I requested my nephew to create a tearoom in the palace, else I wouldn't come visit him here.' He laughed at the latter, 'of course I didn't mean it, but he doesn't have to know that.' He winked at you with a large smile on his face, then told you to take a seat and asked what type of tea you wanted to drink.

'If it's not too much to ask, I would love to have a Jasmine tea from you, Iroh', you requested politely smiling at him.

'Nonsense', he answered as he started brewing a pot, 'no tea is too much effort. In fact, Jasmine tea is one of my personal favorites.' 'Ginseng tea being my number one.'

'A special Jasmine tea, for the lovely company', Iroh smiled and set down a steaming cup of tea in front of you before sitting down himself with a cup of his own.

The two of you had almost finished your tea when the door suddenly opened. 'Here you are uncle. I searched the entire palace for you!' A male voice spoke and you turned around, eyes meeting with a familiar pair of magnificent golden eyes.

'Zuko, there you are! We were just having some tea, come take a seat and join us will you!', Iroh got up and started pouring the young man a cup.

You stared at him, taking in his appearance in front of you. Unlike earlier today, he was now wearing a pair of fancy robes, but his hair was what stood out most. It wasn't covering his face this time, instead it was up in a bun, a firenation symbol pierced into it like a crown.

Wait, a crown. Oh no, he's the firelord.

The man I spoke to earlier today is the firelord himself.

The man whom I told the firelord probably was an idiot is the firelord himself.

Oh no. He's here right in front of me, probably about to personally throw me in prison.

Zuko acted oblivious to the panicked looks you were giving him, your eyes shooting from his uncle to himself and back again. 'Hi Y/N', he smiled and waved. "That was awkward. Fix it" a voice told him. 'I hope uncle hasn't been bothering you too much tonight. I'm glad I still got to run into you though', he took a seat beside you and smiled at you. You nodded in response slightly overwhelmed by the sudden change of events.

Iroh broke the tension by laughing at this and placing a cup of tea in front of Zuko, he then proceeded scolding the young firelord: 'Nephew, where are your manners! I know you didn't introduce yourself this afternoon and you still haven't now. If you so much as want a chance at being with this lovely lady, you need to step up your game!'

Zuko turned bright red at this and hushed his uncle, telling him not to say these kind of things at this time. Then he apologized to you and introduced himself: 'I'm firelord Zuko, but please just call me Zuko.'

'I figured that much now', you mumbled, 'I'm Y/N, but you already knew that.'

'Oh yes, he did!' Iroh interrupted before Zuko could even respond to you, 'after coming back this afternoon he wouldn't shut up about you. I'm glad I got to bring you in for some tea here because I really doubted my nephew's ability to think these things through.'

'Uncle!', Zuko angrily huffed, effectively shutting the old man up for a few moments. His face was about as red as a tomato out of embarrassment.

'I heard you called him an idiot?' This time it was your turn to turn red, matching the color of Zuko's face, opening your mouth to apologize Iroh interrupted once more. 'Can't say you weren't right there. My nephew hasn't always been the brightest, but I can assure you he has a good heart and he found his way on his own. Now he's getting better and smarter and I'm incredibly proud of him.'

You watched as Zuko stared at his uncle with grateful loving eyes, the man looked back at the young firelord with a matching expression.

It wasn't long before he realized you were in the room again and Iroh spoke again: 'Oh would you look at that, my tea's gone. That means it's time for this old man to go to sleep. You young people stay up a little while longer, I'm sure you've got a lot to talk about. Goodnight Zuko, Y/N.'

'Goodnight', the two of you responded and watched Iroh walk out, leaving Zuko and you at the beginning of an eventful new life. 

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now