"Not the last airbender" - Sokka x Airbender!Reader

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This was requested by @Gottaloveit21 as a Sokka x Tulane. Tulane is her OC from an ATLA fanfic she's writing, which you can find on her profile. Her story is called 'Avatar: Not the last airbender', which is what I also used as a title for this OS. I asked @Gottaloveit21 for her permission to change Tulane to Y/N since it's her OC and I would be using the backstory she came up with, which she gave. Thank you for that :) 

I'm so incredibly sorry this has taken me so long to write. 

Anyways. Enjoy, hopefully?


'Be careful today, please Y/N', Sokka began the conversation. He had asked to speak to you before everyone went on with their mission of defeating the Firelord on the day of the black sun. In only a few hours the gang, you and all of your friends from around the world would challenge the Firenation during their weakest minutes in history.

'Of course, I will', you huffed while playing with the glider Aang gave you, 'I might be a girl but I can easily fight for myself. Besides, Aang taught me a few tricks so I'm a much better bender now.'

Sokka softly smiled at you, 'I didn't doubt that for a second. I'm just saying that I.. eh...' 'We, like Katara, Aang, Toph and I. We just really care about you. Especially Aang cause you're also an Airbender, but not just Aang cause well I... Oh never mind.'

You raised an eyebrow at the warrior, 'Sokka, I'll be fine. We'll all be fine. You came up with an amazing plan to defeat the Firenation. If all goes well, it means the war is finally over at the end of the day.'

You watched as Sokka's eyes lit up a little during your little speech and at the end, he quickly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his embrace. Smiling to yourself at the tingles this caused in your body, you hugged him back while he gently patted your head.

It wasn't long before the ships left to the Firenation. You would stay on them until they'd reach the shore, that's where your important role came. As the only airbender, aside from Aang, Sokka thought it'd be good to use this to your advantage. With the element of surprise, both Aang and you would glide up in the sky, flying over the firebenders and posing as a temporary distraction while the warriors on the ground would have an easier time advancing.

'Are you ready, Y/N?', Aang asked while standing next to you on top of the ship. You shuddered for a moment, thinking this through.

Up until recently, you hadn't been a great airbender. The years of moving from town to town with your brother, and having to hide your bending abilities ever since you were a child, had made it much more difficult to practice your element. Up until the day you met Aang and his friends, you hadn't believed you would ever find yourself an airbender teacher, but Aang gladly fulfilled that role. The young Avatar excited to find out he wasn't the last of his kind.

Aang had a fun way of teaching you bending, through simple games and vividly told stories, you learned more about your element. You didn't always like this, somedays you just wanted to learn how to protect yourself and knock down your enemy with a strong move. After all you were in the middle of a war. Aang just refused to teach you in this manner, it didn't fit the element of freedom nor the way he was taught by the monks. You'd often rant to Sokka about this, upset that Aang didn't seem to take the situation at hand as serious as it was. You wanted to end the war the Firenation had cost, make them pay for what they did to you and your family and here you were, about to help your teacher infiltrate in the royal palace of the people that destroyed your family.

'I'm ready.' With that, the two of you flew up high in the skies, shots of fire surrounding you within a matter of seconds. You circled around for a moment, avoiding as many of the burning bombs as you could, while Aang was quick to use his bending and sent several flying the opposite direction.

Zuko/Sokka x Reader - One shots - Requests CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now