Demons - Sokka x Depressed!Reader [Modern]

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Trigger Warning. Before reading this chapter I want you to know there is mention of selfharm and suicide in this. Please don't read if this might trigger you.
If you're dealing with any mental problems or think you might be, please talk to someone.

'Pathetic.' 'You're so messed up.' 'You can't do anything right.' 'No wonder everyone always left. It's only a matter of time before he will leave too.' 'You don't even want to put up with yourself.' 'You should die.' 'Die.' 'Die.' 'Die.' 'Remember how you didn't wanna get attached to anyone ever again after being left over and over and over again? Here you are being fucking stupid as always. So fucking stupid to fall in love again and depend on the guy.' 'You deserve to be left by him.' 'You fucking deserve to die, you bitch.'

'Die. Die. Die. Come on, do it. Kill yourself.'

She laid curled up in the corner of the kitchen, right in front of the counter. She didn't want to hear the voices, but they wouldn't stop. Her hands covered her head and ears, wishing she wouldn't have to hear them anymore, but they wouldn't. She was too far gone to try and stop fighting them. Instead she waited and wished they would fade again by themselves. She wished for Sokka to come home soon, but at the same time she didn't want him to see her in the state she was in. He knew most of it, but hadn't actually witnessed it before. She wanted to protect him from herself, from the demons inside her mind.

'Come on. It's not that hard. You see that kitchen drawer? You haven't forgotten about the knives in there right? Freshly sharpened. They'll cut through your skin so easily. You could kill yourself with one of them.'

A muffled scream left her mouth, trying to silence the thoughts crowding around in her mind. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't control the way her breathing started speeding up, along with the increasing urge to hurt herself in any possible way. Her nails tried digging into the skin of her neck, it wasn't enough. She started pulling on her hair hard.

'Get up, weakling. Grab a knife.'

She obliged to the voices in her mind. Soon enough she was holding one of the sharpest knives in the kitchen. Its blade shimmering whenever she moved it in the light.

'Touch it.'

'Harder now.'

'I want to see blood.'

'That's more like it.'

A wave of realization hit her when she saw the increasing line of blood tracing down her skin. 'Stop it. Stop listening to it', she started muttering to herself. Sinking down to the floor once again. The knife falling down beside her.

'You know you want to listen to me.'

'No, I don't!' Sobs started filling the air surrounding her. The voices still taunting her mind, laughing at her, reminding her how weak she was, telling her to die. She tried fighting it, but it only resulted in her breathing speeding up, becoming shorter and shorter. All till the moment she was loudly gasping for air, she could feel the need for oxygen in her lungs, the way her heart was beating so loudly she could hear it in her mind. Her body was begging her to calm down, to breathe again and provide it with the much needed oxygen. The voices were now silent whispers, overpowered by the beating of her heart. Her mind was becoming foggy. The lack of oxygen resulting into dizziness and causing black spots to fill up her vision, until it all became one black quiet place.

'Sleep well.'

Sokka had decided to come home early on this particular day, something told him he had to. Call it instinct or gut feeling, he didn't care. When he walked into the house he was greeted by an eerily silent place. He knew Y/N was supposed to be home, her car hadn't left the driveway and her coat was still present. He had been right.

His hand automatically felt for the pocket knife he always carried around, grasping it tightly. Ever since his mother was killed during a robbery he started carrying it around and learning ways to protect himself and his loved ones with and without it.

Sokka knew something was off about the place. He started making sure the house was clear, first checking the hallway and the living room. Not finding anything out of the ordinary in these places he made his way over to the kitchen.

The first thing he noticed were the scattered vegetables all over the place, indicating his lover had been cooking dinner when something happened to her. He immediately felt angry at himself for not having been there with her. Cautiously he made his way further into the room, quickly realizing his girlfriend was laying only a few feet away from him.

'Y/N!', he let out and fell down on his knees besides the passed out girl. He shook her lightly, calling her name a few times, but no response came from her. A few tears were burning in his eyes, but he couldn't let himself be distracted now. Not when it was a possible life or death situation for his lover. He wasn't about to lose someone important again.

As he was feeling for a pulse, he noticed the tiny stream of blood covering her skin. It came from a cut near her wrist. It hadn't fully dried yet meaning she hadn't been laying here for too long. Sokka then noticed the knife not too far away from where he had found her. "She did it to herself", he realized feeling his heart almost break, if it weren't for the faint beating he felt coming from her, indicating she was still alive.

Relieved she was still alive but conflicted about what to do now he stared at the girl in front of him. Sokka knew her well enough she wouldn't want any medical help and would probably hate his guts if he did call, but he also wasn't sure if he would be able to provide her with the aid she needed. 'Five more minutes', he decided, making a little wish to the universe to be on his side this time.

He pulled the girl tightly into an embrace. 'Come on baby, I need you to wake up for me. I can't lose you.' Her numb body pressed against his, made him realize how much he didn't actually know about her. He always thought she suffered from a minor depression, but never did he realize she wanted to hurt herself or even die. He wished she would've told him, so they could've worked through it together. He wanted to be there for her, through everything. He wanted to hold her when her demons attacked but also be by her side during her brightest days. He wanted to be her light during her darkest days, or at least show her a way to find some.

Sitting there on the cold kitchen floor, with tears falling down his cheeks, Sokka vowed to himself. He vowed to always and forever protect the love of his life, to always stay by her side and remind her of his love for her; to remind her of the goddess she was in his eyes, his everything.

He looked at the [S/C] girl in his arms desperately, of course the universe wasn't on his side and wouldn't awaken her. It never cared for him.

His five minutes were up and he knew he would have to call for help now. He started fishing out his phone from one of his pockets and dialed the emergency number, his finger hovering over the green call button, when he suddenly felt movement.

His phone fell to the ground, with how quick he was to grab onto the [H/C] girl. 'Y/N?', he called. She groaned quietly, her eyes fluttering open and meeting his. 'Sokka?'

'I'm here, baby. I'm never letting you go. We'll get through this, together, I promise.' He didn't give her a moment to reply as he sealed his words by pressing his lips against hers with all his love.

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