Part 2

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By the time we get to lunch, we each have a folder filled with permission slips that need to be signed by next month for various future trips and activities. We all find a table by the window and claim it ours for the year.

"Look Jai, it looks like your brother started hanging out with the cool kids," Ashley states bitterly. She had held grudges over the popular students due to a bullying problem that happened a few years ago when she wore thick black eyeliner and refused to talk to anyone. No one blamed her.

We all look over and sure enough, Damon is sitting with Dillion, Ray, Sam, and Justin. It didn't make sense-Damon hanging out with the football team. They are just a bunch of brainless jocks, well most of them anyway.

"Do you think he is joining the team?" Cameron asks.

"He didn't say anything about it. Let's pray he's not," I told them.

I didn't have any personal issues with the team and I didn't think Emily, Cameron, or James did either. They usually left us alone, but Ashley had issues with them and she's one of us-so everyone in our group avoided them. Damon used to, too.

After lunch, we all parted ways and went to our next classes. By the time the last bell rang, I was ready to go home and curl into a ball on my bed. Nothing particularly bad happened, it was pretty uneventful, but that made for a boring eight hours with the teachers just going over syllabus's and introducing ourselves to the same classmates we've had for forever.

I was making my way home when some guy stopped me. He had black hair with piercing green eyes. I guess some people would call him intimidating. I don't know what I found intimidating anymore.

"Hey there, I'm Ace and I'm here to inform you that if your buying I'm selling. See me anytime and I'll have whatever you want." He says.

"Uh, no thanks man," I answer not wanting his drugs or any drugs for that matter. It sounded stupid of him, going around and announcing that he was selling, but it wasn't any of my business.

"If you say so, I'll see you around. I'm here every day after school if you change your mind," he states as he backs up.

I had seen him before, lurking around in the halls and sitting in the back of the class, refusing to talk or participate. He didn't look like he belonged anywhere like he knew something the rest of us didn't. He looked as if he was calculating everyone's moves, reading their minds and picking apart their brains. I walked away, wishing I had a good to shield my face from his observing eyes.

"Hey mom, your home early," I state as I enter the kitchen, watching my mom make an early dinner.

"Yeah, I wanted to do something special for your brother. He has football tryouts today. He called me earlier to let me know. I think it's really good that he's getting involved, maybe you can try out too! I'm sure they will let you try out if you leave now." I frown. So Damon did say something, just not to me.

"No thanks mom," I say as I try to hide my disappointment. I wasn't happy that my twin was joining the team, while they stayed out of my way, one time as a prank they put oil on the kid's monkey bars and watched all of the children fall. It was actually quite messed up, they could have been hurt.

I sit down at the table and watch my mom cook some kind of white pasta. I'm happy that Damon's moving on and making more friends, I just don't want him to move on with Dillion and his gang. I definitely don't want him to become apart of Ashley's grudges, too.

A few minutes later Damon bursts through the door.

"Mom I think I got in!" he yells, throwing his hands up in excitement.

"That's great hunny! I knew you would!" Mom yells back, hardly containing her excitement.

"Yeah, that's awesome," I say trying to be happy for him, but also feeling disappointment crawl up my spine.

Shortly after dinner, I go up to my room and lay in bed. I must have stared at the ceiling for hours thinking about how many things could go wrong with Damon joining the team until I must have fallen asleep wishing things were different.

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