Part 16

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I was currently sitting on the couch in a room full of the Requiem gang members. We had lost the other girl Rasha, three fighters from the ages 19-24, and a 15-year-old boy who was trying to earn a place in the gang.

A ceremony was going to be held for them tomorrow and those who had parents would be notified. I looked around the room at all of the faces of fellow gang members. Some looked grim, some looked blank, and some looked angry. There were even some that looked happy with the outcome. Daniel catches my eye as he walks in the room. He immediately sees me and walks my way. He lifts my legs that were draped along the couch and puts them in his lap.

"How does your leg feel?" He asks while gently touching the bandage that was placed on the wound by a doctor the gang kept in the house. I ended up getting a few stitches which hurt really bad but I decided not to get the painkillers. A part of me wanted those painkillers so bad but I knew that I couldn't listen to that part of me. I know that I will have to ignore that part of me for the rest of my life now. It will always be at the back of my mind nagging me to get high and forget about life. I will have to live with that but somehow that's okay because I pulled through it with the help of a certain gang leader.

"Sore. I should probably head home soon and catch up with Damon. My mom is probably freaking out. I've actually been thinking about telling her everything. It's not like I can just keep hiding it she will know something is up, especially if I get more bruises," I chuckle a little at the end but the way Daniel's face scrunched up at the end I got the hint that it wasn't time to joke about it yet.

"You won't be getting anymore harm thrown your way so you won't have to worry about that, I promise you. I will support you if you want to tell your mom, I will always support you no matter what. If you think it's a good idea then you could maybe move in with me? I mean we can talk to your mom and see if there is a possibility that she will let you live with me, and of course, you will still be going to school and getting good grades. I don't see why it would be a problem if that's what you want of course."

The thought of moving in with Daniel makes my heart swell and my body fill to the brim with excitement. I could just imagine waking up next to Daniel every morning, and with everything that had happened over the course of the past few days, it seemed like there wasn't time to waste. I didn't want to slow down because I don't know what will happen in the future-how much time we will have.

I don't know how Damon or my mom would feel about it, and a part of me is sad for trying to leave my family. If I move in with Daniel, then I would be sure to stop by throughout the week. With that in mind I get up from the couch, take Daniel's hand and lead him out the door.

Daniel and I caught Damon up on everything that he missed after we shared a hug and a few words. When we told him about the kidnapping he was practically fuming with rage and I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. When he calmed down enough to stop ranting about 'their transgression' I reminded him that we are also committing a crime and that shut him up real quick.

"Hey Dame, what do you think about me moving in with Daniel. You know, now that I am apart of his gang and everything."

He looked at me with wide eyes as he looked to me in some kind of inner turmoil. He finally nodded his head slowly while speaking his thoughts, "I think that I'm okay with it, now knowing that Daniel will go to far lengths to keep you safe. At first, I thought it was kind of soon but then I realized that you guys have been through a lot and kind of skipped a lot of stages in normal relationships so I guess it wouldn't be so bad. I'll help you convince mom if you want. But are you going to tell her everything?"

"Thank you." I sigh in relief. Damon's acceptance means a lot to me and I am thankful that he is understanding and on board. "I don't think that I'm going to tell mom about the gang. I don't want her to be worried about me. I think it's time that she worries about herself."

Damon nods his head and leans back against the couch with a huff. "I hope you don't forget to visit."

"Damon I'm not moving out of state. And I will make sure I come by at least 2-3 times a week," I said, chuckling a little.

"Fine. Just stay safe. Don't get yourself into any situations that can't be undone," Damon and I nod our heads in response and wait patiently for my mom to arrive from work. After missing a few days of work, she had to go in nonstop to make it up. At least that's what Damon has told me.

About two or three hours later we hear my mom pull in the driveway and open the door. She had been shocked to see Daniel and me.

Damon takes over, "hey, It looks like Daniel was feeling better and Jai came home. We figured since you had let him stay to help out, you should finally meet him."

I follow Damon's lead and tell mom about how Daniel had been very ill, not being able to take care of his cat or do his school work. She seemed pleased that I had taken my own weekend to look after Daniel and his non-existing cat.

After a few minutes of reuniting with our mom and our mom going crazy over Daniel asking him a million questions I finally decide to ask her.

"Hey, mom... I've been doing a lot of thinking and I was wondering if there is any chance that I could move in with Daniel," mom drops her cup and it tips over, spilling water on the table where we had all seated. She looks at me with wide eyes.
"Hear me out; Daniel doesn't really have any family to stay with and I'm under a year away from turning eighteen and honestly, he makes me happy, happy enough to forget about dad and all that trauma. Plus, I would come to the house whenever you want and still spend the nights sometimes and I'm not really far away. I would still be going to school and getting good grades and everything," I cut myself off when I notice that I am rambling. Daniel and I look both looks at her with hopeful expressions and puppy dog eyes that are pleading for her to say yes.

Bewildered she said that she needed a little while to think and go over the pros and cons. At least she didn't say no.

We were all sitting in my room talking aimlessly with me in Daniel's lap and Damon sitting across from us scrunching his face occasionally when we get too affectionate. He claims that 'watching his brother make soft porn while he was in the room is like having needles covered in gas stabbed in his eyes.' I hear a soft knock on my door before my mom slips through.

"Well, I'll take this as my cue to take a hike," Damon states and I roll my eyes at him.

"I did a lot of thinking and if this makes you happy then I'll let you do it. What kind of mom would I be if I withheld my son's happiness from him especially after all of the crap I put you through. I should have left your father years before I did, and that's on me," I go to interject, to tell her that no one blamed her, but she holds her hand up, effectively stopping me from saying anything.

"I know that you haven't been happy lately so I'm willing to let you move in with Daniel if this is what will make you happy. I have some conditions though. You have to stay home every other weekend, I need a text every other day telling me that you are okay, and I need to see your report cards every semester. If you fail any of your classes then you move back home. If you miss more than four days a month you come back home. Do I make myself clear?"

I don't waste another thought before jumping off of the couch and tackling my mom in a hug. I continuously thank her and tell her how great things will be.

When I retreat from the hug Daniel thanks my mom and gives her a much softer hug. Things are going to be great.

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