After End

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"How do I look?" I ask Damon.

"You look great," he says coming over to fix my tie.

Daniel proposed to me a year after I was shot. I did make a full recovery, mostly. Every once in a while I feel a ghost of the pain I had felt during my recovery. Usually when it was cold or I thought about it too hard.

At first, my mom had tried to make Damon and I leave the gang and come home. I stood my ground and eventually, she gave in. She often came to visit, bringing enough cookies for the whole lot of us.

Now, Daniel and I run the gang side by side. Last we heard, my dads' gang had fallen apart without him and a few weeks ago I got an apology letter from my old friends. It remains in the garbage can.

It came as a shock when Damon and Nina come out as pregnant. She is six months along now, waddling everywhere. They decided to remain with the gang and raise their baby in the gang seeing as how much our lives revolve around it. They think that their baby should grow up being a part of it, and of course, we will do everything to keep their baby girl safe.

Today is the big day though, and I am glad that everyone is here to share it with me. The wedding is right in the backyard and everyone had helped set it up. The theme was white and black and everything fit together nicely and I couldn't be any happier. Not with my friends and definitely not with my fiancé.

"Jinx! You're going to get me all hair!" I exclaim at the grey tiger-striped cat that was rubbing against my leg. I had surprised Daniel with him a month ago. Everyone in the gang loves Jinx and Jinx loves being a gang cat. He gets lots of attention and food.

"Finish getting ready I will put jinx in your room so he doesn't get outside with all of the commotion," Damon says.

I nod and take a few deep breaths and walk outside, ready to marry the love of my life.

Not long after, I find myself kissing my husband after say I do. Everyone cheered and clapped. Some people yelled that it was time to get drunk and it made everyone laugh but it did bring out the champagne.

I never thought it was possible to be so happy and I definitely did not think it was possible to love someone as much as I love Daniel.

If someone were to tell me before all of this happened that I would be here, I would have laughed in their faces and told them to lay off the crack. Just to think it all started because the gang leader helped me become sober.

"Hey, Daniel?"

"Yes, babe?"

"I love you."

"I love you too," Daniel says while giving me another soft kiss.


"Yes, babe?" Daniel asks again with a chuckle.

"Let's go celebrate our wonderful future life together by getting drunk with our friends."

This makes Daniel laugh but he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the champagne and I laugh with him. It's a wonderful life.

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