Part 15

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Jaidon's POV

I want to give up. And as lame as it sounds if it was my choice, I would have given up. But it's not and I guess I still have a glimmer of hope that Daniel will come and find me.

Now seeing how bad things can get for me, my addiction was the least of my problems. While my body and mind still craved the drug, looking at it, it seems silly. I got addicted to drugs because of what? My brother making new friends? I couldn't get rid of my past? It all seems so pointless now knowing that there are bigger problems. I wish I had known all of this before taking the drugs. But on the other hand, I am glad because if I hadn't have taken those drugs from Ace, I would have never met Daniel and he makes me happier than I was before this whole thing even started.

It brought me and Damon closer, showed the true colors of my friends, helped me make new ones, and it brought me to Daniel together who may possibly be the best thing in my life right now. I know that if I get out of here he will help me through whatever I need and he will help me no matter the problem. The more I think about all of these things the more these bruises and cuts seem worth it. The more I think about it I kind of love my life. How many people would get the opportunity to meet people that would risk their lives for you? I am lucky and I am glad to be alive.

Sudden chaos brings me out of my hopeful thinking. People are now running in and out of my boxed in room speaking so fast that I don't understand what they are saying and the more I try the more my head spins. Eventually, I give up trying and watch the frantic people run and yell at each other.

A few moments later I begin to worry. Are we under attack? Is there a bomb or something? I begin to squirm in my seat, trying to break free of the ropes tightly holding me in the old seat. A thought comes to my mind and I am glad that I spent some time watching action movies. I plant my feet on the group as hard as I can, lean forward to where I am almost standing, then I fall backward. I loud crack filled the room as pain shoots up my body and I muffle a scream.

There are a few people running out of my room with weapons who don't spare me a glance and seem to be in their own world of chaos and destruction. With the chair successfully broken I wiggle my arms from behind my back to the front of my body so I can take a look at my hands which are tied tightly.

I bring my shaking hands up to my mouth and try to bite and pull on the ropes enough with my teeth that they come free but I have no such luck. Forget it, I think to myself. I stand up with pain shooting up from my calf all the way up my leg. It brings tears to my eyes and I look down only to discover my pants ripped and bloodied on the side of my thigh on my left leg. I move a piece of fabric out of the way and I see a large wound gushing blood. That can't be good. I try my best to ignore the pain while I limp towards the door which remains ajar. The people who were running in and out of my room are gone and all that is left is an empty hallway and very loud booms which I recognize as gunfire. I have to force my mind to stay in the present. My body shakes with adrenaline and nerves as I slowly make my way towards the loud noises.

I am nocked on my butt with a big oof and I look up, fearful that whoever it is will tie me back up.

I see Daniel looking at me as if he would either cry or hug me to death. I jump to my feet as quick as I can and throw myself into his arms. I hug him as tight as I possibly could and take a deep breath-breathing in the scent that had brought me comfort so many times before.

When we break apart from our loving hug, Daniel notices my bloody leg and begins looking for any other life-threatening injuries. When the shooting and screams seem to get louder Daniel decides to try to get me to one of the aid vans that had been parked outside.

Daniel keeps me close behind him, pulling me by my wrist to make sure I don't fall behind. The pain in my body never seems to dull as we slowly round corners keeping a lookout for what might be dangerous. Every step sends a shooting pain up my leg. Few words are exchanged between us during this time and I can't wait to talk to him freely again without having to worry about someone killing us.

When we make it to the main area there is blood covering the floors making it hard to avoid slipping in the blood of both gangs. It causes sadness to crash over me like a tsunami. All of these people are dying because of me. I am not able to lose myself in thought because I am pulled out of my trance my Daniel pulling my forward rather fast and I try my best to keep up with the state that my body is in. Barely any glances are thrown our way because everyone is preoccupied with the dangers in front of them and when someone does look our way they immediately look away, not wanting to keep their eyes off of the fighters that threaten their lives.

We are almost to the front doors when Daniel calls for his gang to withdraw from battle not wanting to kill anyone else. He is revengeful, but he is not a monster.

The fighters reluctantly begin to back away from the rival gang who seem to be tiring rather quickly. I watch as some of their faces wash over with relief while others looked outraged and hungry with bloodlust.

There a few bodies that lay within the mess of the battle and I try my best to avert my eyes away from the death and sadness. I don't see any of my old friends, and I don't know if that means that they had died in battle or they had run off. I don't know how I feel about either one yet.

We finally approach the doors and one of the gang members that I hadn't been aquatinted with tells Daniel that only five of our members have died but several are injured. We will prepare a ceremony for those who died tomorrow when things settle down and I know that it will be emotional for all of the gang members and I hope that my closer friends within the gang are safe and coming back with us unharmed. With that in mind, we open the large doors that are now standing right in front of us and we throw them open, happy that we can go home. I take my first breath of fresh air in days.

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