Part 3

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The rest of the week passed quietly but stressfully. Damon hasn't been around much because he's always been either at football practices or at parties with the football team. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't worried about him and our relationship. I don't want to be one of those people that don't talk to their siblings and then never see them after high school.

I get ready for school and skip down the stairs.

"Hey mom"

"Oh, hey honey I was just making you and Damon some oatmeal."

I reply with a quiet 'k' and sit down at the table next to Damon. There's a screeching noise as my mom yells loudly. The noise quickly sends my mind flying back in memories.

"AHHH! Please stop!" Mom screams as he hits her again. I cover my ears with my hands as the warm tears fall down my face.

He walks over to me and prys my hands away from my face.

"Stop hiding Jaidon, you all deserve this and you know it! Your all disgusting pigs!" He yells as he takes his belt off and hits me with it until my skin is bruised and numb and I am almost positive that its been hours. I can hear my mom and brothers cries as they watch in horror.

Damon pulls me back to reality as he waves his hand in front of my face

"You okay man, we lost you for a second. Mom thought she saw a mouse but it was just a ball of lint."

"Yeah, I'm just tired," I lie picking at the watery oatmeal that was placed in front of me.

After breakfast Damon and I make our way to school for our second Monday this year. We make small talk but other than that it's pretty quiet. When we finally get to school we part ways and I make my way towards my friends who I can already see are arguing about something.

"Whats going on guys?"

"Jai tell James that cats are better than dogs!" Ashley all but yells.

"Sorry guys but I'm not getting in the middle of this," I tell them, putting my hands up in surrender.

They all whine in protest, but I don't feel like arguing and whatever I say will just bring more of it. I love my friends but sometimes they can get a little dramatic.

We all take a seat next to each other in English class. We all joke about random things we saw on the internet and when I look up my eyes connect with the piercing green eyes that I walk past every day on my way home. He gives me a slight nod and I look away. A few seconds after Mr. Poe walks in and class began. We are starting poetry unit. Lovely.

After what seemed like hours of Mr. Poe explaining the requirements of the poetry unit, the bell finally dismisses us to our next period.

We all sit through 45 minutes of math class with Mrs. Roy who is an older woman but she doesn't take crap from anyone. Which earned me a seat change. Oops.

Chemistry class wasn't much better. Mr. Smith insisted in jumping right into experiments which I guess isn't too bad but the problem is there's this one kid- Devon-who loves to joke around and when you're all surrounded by a bunch of chemicals, it isn't exactly the best idea. Someone ended up going to the nurse to get her eyes flushed.

The rest of the day droned on with even less excitement. Ashley even went home early because she said that 'the human can only handle so much boredom before it shrivels up and dies.' What a lovely picture that was for my poor vivid imagination.

Ashley often went home early, last year, she even had the police called on her and her dad for truancy. They got it all sorted out, but she didn't change and her dad didn't mind as long as her grades stayed up. 

I start kicking pebbles as I walk home not thinking of anything in particular. I had learned no to expect Damon to walk home with my anymore. Sometimes it got lonely and quiet, but it was okay.

"Hey!" I hear someone yell at me.

When I look up to see what someone could possibly be trying to get my attention for, I see the same piercing green eyes that I have been avoiding.

"What?" I answer back dryly.

"Woah, chill man. I was just going to ask if you changed your mind. I have some new stuff, you don't take me as a meth head or a heroin kinda guy so I brought some other stuff with me to see if you wanted to try. Quite frankly you look a little tense," Ace says, gesturing to me as if that would sell his point.

I opened my mouth to deny his offer, but I could get the words out. What if they stop the flashbacks? What if they loosen me up and make me more fun to be around? Maybe then Damon wouldn't feel the need to hang out with football jocks.

"What do you have?" I ask wearily, shifting on my feet. I glance around me to see if anyone was watching, there were a few students left walking around, but they were all in their own world. Not a single one of them looked towards us.

"Well I have Ketamine, it's an animal tranquilizer but it will detach you from reality. Mescaline which will make you hallucinate. Or I have some painkillers which can give you a high if taking high enough doses of Hydrocodone or Oxy's. Or I can give you a sedative that will make you relax like Xanax and Valium." The green-eyed guy tells me.

"I-I'm not really sure. I mean, I guess I would either go with the sedatives or the painkillers. I don't know which one I should get though. I've never done this before," I trail off, nerves making my palms slightly sweaty.

"Well, why don't I just start you off with some Hydrocodone. Hydrocodone will give you a high and help you with whatever you're dealing with. But I have some rules; you don't tell anyone where you got this or who I am without telling me and you have to be positive they are not a snitch and they plan on buying. You must pay full up front and you can always come back for more when you're ready."

"Uhm okay, how much?" I ask

"Well how much do you want?" he asks, thankfully being patient.

"I'm not sure, maybe just like a small bottle? I don't know how this stuff works."

"Alright, then how about this, since your new, I'll give you a little friendly discount. I'll give you 25, 30mg pills of hydrocodone for 150 bucks. That's about $25 off. So you better be thankful. Next time it's full price."

"Oh uhm okay," I reach into my pocket and grab $150 out of my wallet, it only leaves me with $120. It looks like I will have to start working at Shop N' Save again to be able to afford it if I keep buying. I don't think I will, this is a one time thing, just to get me in the right mood.

I hand over the cash to Ace and I can feel my whole body starting to sweat from more nerves. I glance around me once more, checking for watchful eyes. In exchange, the guy hands over a bag of white pills.

"Now when your ready take 2 of those and you'll be set. Don't take too many in a short period of time because you can overdose."

I nod my head not really sure of what else to say.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you. What's your name?" Ace asks

"I'm Jaidon but everyone calls me Jai."

"Well, okay Jai, I'm sure I'll see you again soon," he says as he backs away from me and leans on the building we were standing in front of. I take that as my queue to leave so I shove the pills into my pocket and start walking again.

When I get home my mom is still at work so I go upstairs and sit on my bed and stare at the pills. Here goes nothing I say to myself and dry swallow two pills.

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