Part 5

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He grabs my foot and drags me back down the stairs.

I scream not knowing what else to do. I am defenseless against him and he knows it. He takes his belt off and whips me in the face with it. I grab my cheek, feeling a harsh stinging sensation. The skin feels hot to the touch.

"Stop squirming or I'll kill you," he grunts. The threat does not seem besides him.

I stop, knowing that mom can't lose another son, even though death sounds great right now. He unbuttons his pants.

NO NO NO my mind is scream He's never done this before, he can't do this! He begins to rip off my pants when mom starts screaming telling him the police were on their way. Suddenly my lungs are too small and the air is too thick and everything goes black.

I groan and roll over sweaty from the terrible memory. I don't want to go to school today, but at least I have something to take my mind off things.

With that thought in mind I drag myself out of bed and get ready for school. Once I'm dressed and ready I sit in my bed and stare at the drugs that I had purchased the day before. I need these, I tell myself. I'm not good enough without them. I grab two, shove them in my pocket and make my way downstairs.

"Hey mom what's for breakfast?" I ask.

"Hey honey, you must be feeling better. I made some French toast with strawberries. I'm going to be home later than usual tonight so I am going to leave you some money to get pizza for dinner. We have to have sit through another 'adequate behavior at work'
presentation at the office again."

"Yeah. Okay." I reply as I sit down at the table and pretend to be eating my food.

A few seconds later Damon is sitting next to me and it makes me nervous. I can feel the pills burning my skin through the thin pouch in my pocket. What if he knows? Will he say anything? He doesn't know, I tell myself, and even if he did he wouldn't care.

I feel myself deflate with every thought and suddenly I need the drugs now. I need to feel good. I excuse myself to the bathroom and drink the water out of the faucet to swallow the pills since dry swallowing wasn't exactly my idea of a good time. Last time it left a bitter and chalky substance in the back of my throat all night. When I return to the kitchen it's already time to leave for school.

During our walk, Damon tells me that he's going to spend the week at a friends house because the tension between him and mom was too much. He asks me if I'll go to his football game this Friday.

I tell him to have fun with his friends and ensure him that I will be there Friday when all I really want to do is yell and him to get his head out of his ass and stay away from those brainwashing twats. But of course, I bite my tongue and pray that the hydrocodone kicks in soon.

Once I get to school, I try to be a a less grumpy version of myself knowing that it will draw my friend's attention if I all of a sudden change moods throughout the day.

I had thought about telling them what happened with my dad, but I could never find the right words.

It was during Math class when I felt the drug starting to kick in and I was nervous but excited at the same time, making my stomach feel weird.

"Excuse me!" Mrs. Roy claps trying to get the students attention.

"Your excused," I say louder than I should have.

The whole class starts laughing hysterically and I can hear others "oohhh" ing in the background.

James sends me a look as if to ask 'what the hell man' and Cameron asks me what I was thinking but all I could focus on was the stain on Rays t-shirt who was sitting 3 seats away from me.

Next thing I know Mrs. Roy is talking about how I have detention for being rude and talking back to a teacher and something about her not being in the mood for this.

The whole way to next period Ashley was making fun of me for getting a detention and Emily was losing her mind jumping all around the hallways yelling that I was a 'crazed dog' and all this other weird shit. It didn't faze me, I feel awesome. So I started skipping all the way to next class and watched everyone give me weird looks the whole time.

After a whole day of bouncing off the walls and cracking jokes oh and let's not forget an agonizing hour of detention, I decided just to walk straight to the pizza place to bring home pizza instead of ordering it.

I could see the pizzeria when Ace walked up to me and grabbed my arm dragging me around the corner of a hair salon.

"What the hell man?" I ask ripping my arm out of his grin, suddenly irritated. 

"Chill, I wanted to ask you how your experience was. I saw you skipping around school, maybe you should be a little more low key, don't wanna get us caught," he drones on.

"It's fine. Now leave me alone," I snap.

"Damn, when you get off the stuff your wrecked. Well, anyway I actually wanted to ask if you plan on buying again. I like to keep track of my regulars," he says, his green eyes searching my own.

Just as I was about to reply, I see a few guys walking towards us that seem slightly familiar. They must be in one of my classes or something. I'll have to look next time.

"Come on Ace, we've gotta go see the big dude," Says a deep voice within the shadows.

"Oh hey guys, meet the my new buyer! He's already snappy, can only imagine what his withdrawals would be like," He calls back to them.

The guys come into view and I notice there are five of them. The first guy introduces himself as Ace's cousin, Daniel who kind of looks like a badass with the whole black skinny jeans and black v-neck with the matching black hair and brown eyes. The next guy is Axel who has hair like mine but matched with darker eyes. Then Darren, who has ash blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

There is also Nathan who grumpily introduces himself with his black eyes and dyed blue hair, he kind of gave me the stay away vibe but reminded me of Ashley at the same time.

Finally, there's Alex who looks like a younger version of Darren. They must be siblings. When I look at the guys closer, I realize that I do have some classes with them, they just rarely show up. Well except Alex, but he must be in a different grade level.

We all say friendly hello's and goodbye's. Except for Daniel and Nathan who backed into the shadows like angry animals. And they thought I was the snappy one.

Once they leave I finish my journey to the pizzeria and back to my house where I passed out until morning where I did the whole day over again and again and again.

Except for this time, I made it without detention and I only ran into the strange group once when I picked up a few hours at the store. They were in a hurry so it was only a brief hello and I didn't feel like having a regular old chat with them either.

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