Part 14

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Daniel's POV

I walk around my room trying my hardest to keep calm. The rival gang known as the 'Devils Cremation' has kidnapped my boyfriend and I've been tearing my hair out for three days trying to figure out what we should do.

My gang was more than happy to help and I have several people searching phone records and trying to get in touch with a spy in an even smaller neutral gang. They weren't necessarily cooperating, but they weren't trying to go against us either. So far, all we know is that he is alive but being held in an interrogation room. I don't know what they want from him, nor do I know why he is of any importance to them. All I know is that I need him back.

Brian, a computer student who normally works from home bursts through my door with a laptop in his hand interrupting my plans for a killing spree,

"Daniel, we found something. We tracked the spy's phone location and she seems to be 4 hours south from here in an old bank that was shut down after it was robbed. That must be where Jaidon is. We can send people over to retrieve him whenever you're ready."

I felt relief flow through my body. Although, my shoulders do not relax, for I do not have him back in my arms. I still don't know what could happen within these few hours. But whatever happens, I hope that Jaidon is safe. He has been through too much all ready and it was never my intention to get him involved in something risky or dangerous. I only wanted to help him and now I just seem to be making things more difficult. I shake the intrusive thought from my mind and start gathering fighters into groups.

The invaders are in one van who will go first, and of course, I will be riding with them. The fighters will go second. The rescuers, who will go third. Then the raiders. There will also be the computer specialists at the house making sure everything runs smoothly and if needed-they will give their input on what we should do from their standpoint.

We spend almost half an hour gathering weapons and making sure everyone is clear on the plan. Originally, this was only going to be a rescue mission but after thinking about it I didn't want to just leave them without consequences. We need to get revenge.

Jaidon's POV

I know that I have been in the enclosed area for days even though it feels like it's been weeks. They feed me once a day, eating me know when the day ends. There are no windows to watch the sun go down. I never knew how much I love the sight until I didn't have it anymore.

I know that Daniel is searching for me even though it feels like he may never come. I also know that Damon is covering for me even though he doesn't know why. I can imagine him making excuses to mom and worrying silently by himself.

And finally, I know that who I use to call my friends have led me into a world filled with pain even though they didn't have to even though they wanted to keep me out of it. I wonder if they had a choice if they could have been able to leave the gang to protect me. I wasn't sure if that was how it worked, but I wanted it to.

I don't know what I feel yet, whether it be sadness or anger, or if I even feel anything. I can't decipher my thoughts and it might be because of the lack of food and constant beating, or maybe my mind was just trying to numb itself for protection. I don't know which one I preferred.

Sometimes I catch them sending pitiful glances towards the cuts and bruises that litter my body once again. Through all of this though, the most shocking information that James let slip, is that my dad is finding a way out of jail and wants to see me.

I don't know if it is to kill me himself or to make me join his gang and give him information about the Requiem brotherhood. Whatever it is, it is keeping me alive. They know that they can't kill me for they will be killed themselves if they don't follow my father's orders.

The only thing that I can hope for is that no matter what road this takes-Daniel and his gang are ready for it.

Daniel's POV

The drive was long and I felt like we were inside the van for endless hours before finally arriving at the old bank. The whole way I was shaking and trying to calm my nerves while looking strong for my fellow members. We figured that they would be keeping Jaidon in either the basement or vault where they are interrogating him for something he most likely had nothing to do with.

The large secure rooms will be guarded so we will need people to take out the guards while we make our way further into the building. That's what the invaders are for-making a way for the fighters and raiders to get in.

When we finally arrive and I jump out of my seat and run to the grey stone building that has cracks running up the sides in a vine-like pattern. I almost forget to breathe at the sight of something that could be bringing despair and pain to my boyfriend who may be more fragile than he leads on. After pausing for a brief moment to collect my composure I run up the marble stairs that lead to large doors that seem to hold too many secrets behind it, this must be the main entrance.

I take a deep breath, look behind me at my brave brothers and shove the door open with hard and forceful power. Ready for war.

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