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"Thank you for showing me around!" Eleven beamed at Mrs Harbour. "No problem Dearie!" She smiled back. Eleven was now told to go to her classroom to wait for everyone to come back, so she once again bounced off towards the door of her classroom so she could wait for the other students. She was scared that people wouldn't like her, but the nerves died down once she got her mind off it.

Mike punched Troy with the highest amount of strength he could muster. He was never that strong but he can hit really hard when he's angry. Troy tried to not react, but you could see he looked like he was going to cry, before he taunted, "Oh, Frogface, do you think that hur-" he didn't even get to finish because he went flying after Mike hit him again.

Mike was now walking towards his classroom with his friends. They were discussing who's house they were going to go to (to play D&D) after school. Dustin was showing them all his new Dungeons and Dragons annual for that year, and was making the others jealous. They kept talking until they arrived at their classroom and saw a girl there they didn't notice; Mike noted that she had big brown eyes, brown shaved hair and had a bag with her that said "I don't brake for Demogorgons" and Mike noticed this was the biggest clue that she was a D&D fan. When Eleven heard them, she jumped. She was used to loud noises, but never from bunches of people like the three boys and the girl. She went back to fidgeting with something she was holding, which made Mike think if she would like to play D&D with them, as it was obvious she was a fan, from the bag. He sat next to her and saw she was holding a wizard character, just like Will did.

This made Mike realise how weird it was that Will hadn't come into school that day, as he was never truant from school. "Hey, do you like D&D too?" Mike asked the girl. "Y-yeah. It's my favourite game." She smiled. Eleven wouldn't tell him though that D&D was the only thing that helped her recover after escaping the lab, since he'd probably think she's a weirdo. She went back to fidgeting. "Well, me and my friends wanted to know if you'd play it with us later at Lucas's house?" (Erica was at her friend's house for the night so they wouldn't be distracted) She nodded and didn't say anything more, before a sea of children came rushing in. Not noticing Mike had already moved, the other three zoomed over to sit by him. That was the start of the day, and the start of an unbreakable bond between Mike and El.

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