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Eleven stood looking in the mirror at her outfit; a faded blue dress, splattered in fake blood, dirt and rips and had fake blood and fake bruises on her face. She liked it, but probably only because her and Mike were wearing matching outfits. Mike sat on his bed, reading his X-Men comic before lifting his head to look at El, who's hair was styled elegantly (well, as elegant as you can make almost shoulder length hair look), and smiling. "You look pretty." She smiled and whispered it to herself, wanting to keep it in her head forever. She likes it when Mike compliments her because it makes her know he loves her more than she thinks he does. He came over and put his arms around her and kissed her cheek, before saying "I love you so much." She smiled at the freckle faced boy before he grabbed her hand. The two of them then set off to meet up with Max, Dustin, Lucas and Eliza so they could go to the Halloween Party at school, before going back to Mike's abode to watch some horror movies in their pajamas. El didn't really care that much about what they did; what mattered to her was that she was doing it with Mike, her handsome boyfriend.

When El and Mike arrived at Will's house, where they agreed to meet up, everyone else was already there. They all complimented eachother's outfits; El and Mike were zombies, Max was Michael Myers (like in ST season 2), Dustin was a werewolf, Lucas was a soldier, Eliza was a witch and Will was Green Lantern. On the way to the party, Dustin was messing around pretending to scratch everyone, howl and bite everyone, El and Mike pretended to walk like zombies, Max pretended to stab everyone and Eliza and Lucas just walked holding hands, but Eliza was occasionally pretending to cast spells on the others.

When they finally arrived, all seven of them were bursting out laughing at the jokes Will was telling because they were corny dad jokes and they thought it was funny because it reminds them of the ones their dads would make. So for the rest of the night, they called Will "Dad" and Will was acting like their father even if he was the shortest and one of the youngest out of the seven. Jennifer stood by the door, dressed like a princess and when she saw Will, she ran over. She, although will probably never tell anyone, thought Will was cute and had a crush on him and, luckily for them both, they both had a crush on each other. Jennifer knew tonight was the night she'd ask Will out.

Will saw Jennifer in her long pink dress, long blonde hair and blue eyes and her white heels. He was filled with butterflies when he realised she was coming to talk to him. Mike, ever so discreetly whispered "keep your cool!" quietly and Will tried, even if she didn't notice he wasn't keeping cool. "Will, can I speak to you. Once again, Mike whispered "Do it! Maybe she's gonna ask you out!" So, thinking about Mike's words, followed her around to the side of the school. She looked into his eyes, and he looked into hers. She couldn't find the words to ask him to be her boyfriend, so she just kissed him. When she pulled away, they both smiled and hugged. "Be my boyfriend?" Finally, the words came out. "Of course." They smiled at each other, kissed once again and set off into the school for the party, holding hands.

Mike and El sat at a table covered in fake spiderwebs and toy spiders, which had a skull on it. They sat next to each other, telling each other how much they loved one another, before smiling and going over to the bleachers, which were hidden by skull covered cloth. They talked about their secrets, most of which that El told Mike she had already told Max, and El smiled when Mike said that El would be his key to a happy future and she grabbed his hands before they slipped out the door. They stood in the cold autumn grass and danced as leaves fell around them. They only cared about each other at that point in time, so they just looked into each other's eyes and kissed softly under the Halloween moon.

When Will and Jennifer walked in, Dustin and Lucas high fived him, happy that he had gotten the girl he obsessed over for literal years. He smiled at her and she smiled back, before going over to a table. "Want some punch?" He asked her. She nodded, before he kissed her cheek and went over to the table where one of the teachers he hadn't seen before served up a drink for him. He knew that the teacher was one he hadn't had before and was one from an older class. He then carefully carried it to Jennifer, who took it and thanked him. He never thought he'd see the day that Jennifer Hayes, the prettiest girl in school, would ask him out.

Eliza and Lucas just danced to all the songs, occasionally going to get a drink or some food between dancing. Lucas and Iza loved dancing, so unlike Mike and El, they didn't have any passionate moments at the party and Dustin and Max just sat and talked to get to know each other more and just like El, whatever she told him the other girl probably already knew it.

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