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El tried to chase Dustin down, but there was one thing she now knew; he is a lot faster than before. When she finally saw him, he sat on the lopsided bench, crying his eyes out. But, then again, she would've wanted her eyes removed if she had to look at that ugly shade of green on the bench. She went over and sat by him. "Max loves you, you know? I saw her in my mind. She pushed the boy off her, I swear on my life, and told him to go away." He finally looked up into his eyes. "Yeah right, that was just a waste of time." He said, pushing her out of the way and storming off. He, however, didn't noticed that El had hit her head on the bench and was now lying there motionlessly while she tried to call out for someone. But, eventually, she passed out there, wishing to herself that he could apologize to Max, but her mind eventually drifted off to Mike. She loved him with her entire existence; that had been shown before, when she saved Will because no matter what, she'll do her best to help them.

It was now 4PM. Dustin had since gone back to see the boys and went looking for El to see if she could help find Max. Mike came close to the area, but just sat by the riverbank, crying for her. She was his life, his love, his feelings and his light. Dustin felt regretful for shouting at El, now realising he was the reason El disappeared. Lucas was just wandering the area. He had to admit; he didn't like El that much, even if she was nice, funny and caring; he still felt the supernatural vibe, like she was secretly planning to harm or even kill one of them. Eventually, Mike got up and turned around. He saw El by the tree next to the ugly bench and looked a bit like Will at that moment; freezing cold, shaking and feeling sick. He took off one of the many layers his mother forced him to wear and put it on El, before picking her up and calling out to the boys. They rushed over and they went to the hospital.

When El awoke, the only thing she wanted to do was find Max. So she jumped up and ran off. She knew Max was now at the treehouse. The boys didn't even get to ask if she was okay before she rushed off. Mike tried to follow her but she shouted "Max!" And disappeared out the hospital doors. She ran and ran, before finding the treehouse, which was covered on the outside with colourful flowers. She climbed up, before sticking her head inside. Max was sitting under a blanket, teddy bear in her hand, crying into it's fur. She smiled when El climbed up too and grabbed their diary. "Dustin is really cute, I hope he likes me back!" She read what Max had written, "and he does." She told her. "Dustin has a great smile. He smiled at me today; got butterflies." El giggled at her cheesiness. "Me and Dustin kissed today. We'll be together forever!" Max frowned because they weren't together anymore. "Max, he loves you and you love him. You will be together forever, but you won't if you don't make up with him." "You're right, El," Max sighed. "As always." And the two set off to find Dustin.

They headed to the hospital where Mike looked stressed as if El needed surgery or something and could possibly die (even though she didn't), Lucas was too busy frowning and Dustin sat reading a comic. Mike noticed them first and hugged them. "What's wrong with Lucas?" El asked. "Sarah broke up with him over supercomm." Dustin mouthed. She nodded to show she understood and then said, "Lucas, if you feel so lonely, you need a new girlfriend." "Who?" "Well, I made a new friend before I met you guys. Her name's Eliza Lane, but people just call her Iza." "Well, can we at least meet her first?" "Sure, I'll lead you guys to her house." But first, Max ran over, hugged Dustin and kissed him. Her and Dustin, like Mike and El, couldn't bear to be away from each other for even a day. They made up and kissed. El was happy; it was now almost the 30th October, the day of the school Halloween party and they all had costumes planned. El liked all their costumes, but liked hers and Mike's the most.

When they arrived at Iza's house, El did a weird knock, which they assumed was a secret knock; once, twice, stop. three, stop. Four. They girl who opened it looked beautiful to Lucas; long blonde hair, brown eyes, a single freckle on her nose and dimples. She also wore a D&D jumper and leggings. To Lucas, she looked like a supermodel. They all got to know each other and set up the date. They both were so excited for it. Lucas thought of him calling her his and was happy for the rest of the day. They all fell asleep peacefully; Mike thinking of his beautiful El and El thought of her handsome Mike, Max and Dustin fell asleep in each others arms and Lucas fell asleep dreaming of Iza and she fell asleep dreaming of him.

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