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Max and El were with Mike and Dustin at the beach after school on Friday and they sat together on the sand (Max and Dustin because Max didn't like swimming) while Mike and El ran across the sand playing tag, before Mike picked El up and threw her over his shoulder as the two laughed. Dustin watched sadly; he wanted a relationship. More specifically, a relationship with the girl next to him, who didn't like dresses. The girl who rode a skateboard. The girl who didn't care about her appearance. He loved Max, just like how Mike loved El. She was Mike's everything, even if the two denied it; but Dustin wouldn't deny it. He'd scream it from the rooftops and tell everyone how she was his. That's how much he loved her, and that's what Mike would do if El was his.

Mike then put her down and they went back over to Max and Dustin, and then Lucas came over (with Sarah) and sighed, before blurting out "I'm sorry, I still want to be friends, I didn't mean to-" but El shushed him by putting her index finger to his lips. "It's fine, Lucas. We forgive you, and you Sarah." Before El sat next to Mike on the giant blanket Max brought (it was obvious because it was blue and had brightly coloured skateboards on it.) and Lucas and Sarah sat on the other side of it, so all six of them were sat facing each other on the other sides; Lucas and Sarah were facing Mike and El, Max was facing Dustin and El was facing Max, talking to her about some new joke she came up with, Mike and Dustin were talking about the latest D&D match between him, El, Mike and Max (El won) while Lucas and Sarah were talking about something that no one else bothered to listen to. Max didn't like Lucas like he liked Sarah anymore. She had gotten over the boy sitting next to her and she was fine with just being friends with him because she didn't want to admit, but she liked Dustin now and Max knew Lucas wouldn't care considering he had his new girlfriend.

Max asked the others "Would you like some ice cream?" Before Dustin jumped at the chance and asked if he could go with her, so she said "yes". Before they had even arrived at the shop, Dustin grabbed Max's hand and stopped her walking forward to go to the shop. She turned around, before Dustin kissed her and she kissed him back. When they had gotten back, Dustin had lipstick all over his cheek and when Max and El walked home together, she asked Max "did you and Dustin have a good time getting ice cream?" Before El winked and the two started to laugh.

It had been three days after that and it was now Monday. El and Mike were sitting by Max and Dustin who were kissing each other (it looked more like he was sticking his tongue down her throat) and Lucas and Sarah were talking about going on a date. Mike, admittedly, felt jealous that all his friends had their dream girls, while his was sitting next to him, not knowing how she felt. If only she knew what El was saying to Max yesterday, he would know how much she liked him and wanted him, but he wasn't. And that was why he and El couldn't do what his friends were. Mike so desperately wanted to hold her hand and kiss her lips and tell her he loved her more than anything, he sunk down into his chair knowing he couldn't do so. And he was angry at himself for not doing a move on her earlier. But he didn't and now the girl he liked didn't know how much he liked her, even if she liked him the same.

Yesterday, El and Max were at their treehouse that they would hide and stay in when they were telling each other secrets. Earlier on, El had (finally) figured out how to use her super comm and told her to come to the treehouse so she could tell her what she really thought of Mike. El sat there fiddling with her fingers; it was a habit she had when she was anxious or embarrassed and Max knew it, so she grabbed El's hand to stop her. "El, if you're uncomfortable telling me, you don't have to!" Max completely understood why El wouldn't want to tell her; she probably thought Max would go and blab to everyone. But that was the complete opposite! She was afraid to tell Max because she thought someone would hear them and tell Mike, so she looked out the window constantly. "You want to hear how I feel about Mike, so I'll tell you. His hair is so soft I could run my hands through it. His when he puts his arms around me, it makes me feel protected. I love him so much, Max." El told her. "As much as you love Eggos?" El and Max laughed. Max and El would always be happy after these meetings and left the treehouse with big smiles, almost like how El looked at Mike.

There will be a Mileven moment and kiss in the next chapter, don't worry! This is for Katylin so that's why there was Dustin and Max but no Mileven!

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