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  Max stood wearing her red winter coat and black gloves, holding Dustin's hand. It was around the start of Autumn, so they wore gloves and coats. They watched the multi-coloured leaves fall softly from the trees that shook in the cold early Autumn wind, the small squirrels running around to collect their winter rations. There was a bench nearby, it was an awful green and lope sided but to two kids who had been walking for hours it seemed like heaven. As the pair strolled over to the bench Dustin asked his red haired girlfriend, "Max, why do you think I'm better than Lucas?" "Why do you ask Dusty?" Max responded as the pair sat down, Dustin on the higher end so Max could lay down. "It's just that Lucas is smart,funny, good looking as shit and has his front teeth." Dustin mutter out as his girlfriend laid her head in his lap. Just before Dustin could begin to play with a curly, red strand of hair Max sat up. "Dusty what brought this on?" Max asked with concern dripping from her voice like a leaky faucet. "It's just that, how could a girl like you, possible even notice a guy like me." Dustin said. It seemed like eye contact was a hard thing for Dustin to do right now so Max tilted his head up with her hand. "Babe, Lucas has nothing on you. You're hilarious, smart, the king of Dig Dug and cute as hell. Even without your front teeth. You also kinda stalked me so how could I not notice you." Max giggled out. Dustin looked into her green eyes with a grin on his face. "Because I was too scared to talk to you" They were both smiling when they felt something neither ever had. It was like sparks. Dustin glanced down at his girlfriends lips and decided to listen to his honorary older brother Steve. " Now Dustin, you'll know when you wanna kiss her, it's like, like a firework going of inside you stomach. When you feel that, go for it. And don't tell anyone I told you this got it you little shit." "Just go for it" His brain said. He leaned in. Max brought herself in too and their lips crashed together. The sparks in their stomached seemed to double ten fold. They finally parted, the need for oxygen growing too big. They looked into each others eyes. Here and now, neither would never want to leave, and neither of them would. So as the multi colored leaves fell and the squirrels gathered their nuts, Maxine Mayfeild and Dustin Henderson lay on the green, lope sided bench, more in love with each other than when they first sat down. 

a/n this is my favourite chapter tbh, but i can't take the credit. all the credit goes to isak for writing it. 

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