Chapter 14: I'm sorry

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My Other Half

Chapter 14: I'm sorry

"Brianna?" I feel a nudge on my shoulder. I turn my body to face the person and let out a small yawn before opening my eyes.

"Jules? How was the show?" I mumble stretching before slowly sitting up and leaning against the bedframe.

"Good, very energetic like always." Jules gives me a forced smile.

"What's wrong?" I mutter furrowing my eyebrows.

Julia sits on the edge of my bed. "Bri, Ash walked off stage during Heartbreak Girl. He couldn't do it. The fans shouting at him, whatever happened between you two."

I gasp. Remebering all to clearly what happened two hours ago. I can feel dried up tears sticking to my cheeks and neck. My eyes feel puffy and I know I look awful, but I never mean't for this to happen to Ash.

"I need to talk to him." I state pushing off my sheets and sitting up.

Jules tries to react fast, "Bri I don't think thats a good idea." But I shut the door before she can say anything else.

Ash is in the hallway for some weird reason, "Ash?"

He turns around and gives me a forced smile just like Julia's. "I'm sorry."

He shakes his head. I look in his eyes and see the bloodshot in them. "Why are you out here?" I ask.

"Waiting for Calum and Michael." He states gesturing towards Mikey's door.

I nod my head, "You said I love you. That's what you said to me that day."

"I did." Ashton mutters running his fingers through his hair, "You used the past tense but I couldn't because I knew I would always love you." Ashton mutters looking anywhere but me.

This is my chance. Not to regret the words I never said.

"I lied." I mutter. I watch Ashton's eyes trail back to mine. "I love you, not loved. Love."

Before I can register what's happening I feel Ashton's lips on mine. I forget about the dried tears or his bloodshot eyes, I remember who he is and who he will always be. My rock.


I jump away from Ashton. I turn around first noticing Julia's shocked face down the hall and than Calum's emotionaless gaze staring through me with Michael by his side to the left of me.

Ashton steps back from me, "Bro. Bro I'm so sorry. Beleive me I didn't mean it." Ashton pleads watching Calum.

I watch Calum's fists clench and his gaze harden on Ashton's.

"Calum? Baby." I croak out. What have I done?

He turns and stares at me. "Don't say its not what you think or I'm sorry because it is exactly what I think and if you were truly sorry you wouldn't of kissed him back nor said those words to him." He states.

I stare at him, opening my mouth to talk but closing it right after. Not knowing what to say.

He just turns around and starts walking down the hall. At first my legs don't move. The one thought going through my mind is I wanted Matthew to chase me, show me he cared. I care for Calum, so I need my legs to start working like right about now.

"Calum." I shout running down the hall towards his descending figure.

"Don't even Brianna." He mumbles.

The others are too far away to hear and frankly I don't care what's going on back there. All I care about is the boy walking away from me. That's what I care about.

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