Chapter 23: The Chase

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My Other half

Chapter 23: The Chase

Mornings are never easy. It's a daily reminder of reality. Something you left behind the night before when you fell asleep. I shift my body and turn around to face the boy that's held me all night. His arms are weakly around my waist and his breaths are calmly escaping his mouth onto my neck. I fell alseep to the sound of his heartbeat while tears slowly drifted down my cheeks. Yesterday was hard, fuck was it ever but today. I know what I have to do and it's just going to be harder.

"Bri whats wrong?" Calum asks nudging my side.

"Nothing, why?" I ask sleeply staring into his dark brown eyes.

"You're crying." He states puzzled. He brings his hand from under me and wipes a tear away from my cheek.

"Oh." I say a little dumbfounded. "Calum?"

Calum nods his head to acknowledge my call for his name.

"Do you ever try and put something off for so long but know deep down if you don't do this thing soon enough everything will crash and burn beneath you." I ask.

"Yeah." Calum answers. "You also try so hard to not think about it but every night you can't help but think and it anxiously just sits there in your stomach nagging you."

"Exactly." I whisper. "I need to do something today and I need your help to not back down."

"Of course." Calum remarks letting out a weak yawn.

I cup his face in my hands and stare at him. There's something about it. Just the way he is and the way you are the us between the two, it just works. My hands slip from his face as he slowly sits up from my bed.

"I'll be back." He mumbles. "Shower."

I turn back around in my bed and grab my phone.

Coming over


My phone lights up indicating a text.

Okay, text me when you're close.

- Ash

My throat swells up at the sight of his name. Many people have gone through situations that people just don't understand. We all handle pain differently. One thing I can tell you for sure is not everything you see in life is what you'd expect.

Calum pulls into Ashton's driveway. I flatten my skirt and look up at the familar door. Calum turns off the engine and unbuckles his seat belt. He reaches over and adjusts the beanie on my head.

"Ten minutes. I'll be right here." Calum states looking me in the eyes and calmly smiling at me. "Okay?"

I nod my head and swallow a lump down my throat. "Okay."

I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door consciously holding my skirt down. I close it shut behind me and give Calum a quick smile which he returns with two thumbs up.

He knows what I'm doing.

I explained it all to him on the car ride here.

But honestly I still don't want to pull through with it. I look up and face my biggest obstacle, the smile on Ashton's face.

I walk up the steps and meet him in his doorway. He gives Calum a quick wave. He turns back to me his smile raditing the dark, gloomy sky. Ashton is one of those people who smile all the time, for no particular reason. That's just what he does. He talks to random people that he stands in line with or people who look like they're having a bad day. Since day one, he has put others' happiness before his own. But today, I'm not letting him.

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