Chapter 18: The Last Thing I Do

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My Other Half

Chapter 18: The Last Thing I do

Calum was gone when I woke up this morning. I walked in the guest room hoping maybe just maybe I could see him before he left but when I walked in the bed was made and the room looked spotless like he wasn't even there. I miss him, I miss Ashton, I just miss how everything use to be.

I'm currently on the road jamming along to my music knowing that when I pick up my mom's parents they're going to want to talk instead of listen to my so called shitty music. Yes that does include the boys. On long car rides I can't help but think, think to the point where the infitnites of the situation grow larger. My mom always told me before she past away that her parents adored my dad. That they knew he was the one for her and would take care of her till the end of time.

I can't help but think that they treated him like their own son since they only had one daughter.

I pull into the front of the airport where pickup is and see my two grandparents. They notice my familar mini blue cooper and smile. I hop out my car and pull my grandma into a hug,

"I'm so glad you're here." I state pulling away and embracing my grandpa into a hug.

I've always had a really close bond with my grandparents since they're the only thing left that remind me of my mom.

"Sweetie how are you doing?" My grandpa asks pulling away from our hug and staring me down. As if he'll see something wrong with me by the way I look but I tend to hide my feelings pretty well.

"Alright I guess, way better now that you guys are here." I state smiling. "Let me grab your bags." I mutter picking up their bags and opening my trunk.

I put their bags in my trunk and turn around to see them looking at me, "Oh Brianna you've grown up so much." My grandma states.

"Well lets get going eh? Got things to do, my dad to see." I state grabbing my grandma's hand and leading her to the back seat.

"You still got the true Canadian in you dear." My grandpa states chuckling as he gets in the passenger side.

"I never lost it grandpa." I mutter smiling before hopping into the drivers seat.

"Where to?" I ask. "Home first or hospital?" I ask looking back at my grandma than my grandpa.

"Hospital." My grandma states.

I turn to see a nod of approval from my grandpa.

I put the car in gear and start our journey towards the hospital.

"Sweetie you're driving on the wrong side of the road." My grandma states in a sweet but panicked voice.

"Grandma." I mutter shaking my head. "We're in Australia remember, other side of the road." I state smiling at her from the rearview mirror.

She lets out a sign of releif, "Right, sorry I'll let you drive."

I remember my dad always telling me how much my grandma is a back seat driver, always commenting on the way he drived or even my mother. I use to find it hilarious but halfway through the drive I finally understood where my dad was coming from.

"Sweetie you have to watch where you're going you almost hit that car." My grandma states.

I look over at my grandpa and he just chuckles lightly clearly understanding the pain I'm in but not caring a slight bit.

"Grandma I know, that car was in the fault he's the one that cut me off." I state gripping the steering wheel in fustration.

Driving in Sydeny has never been easy I'll tell you that much. It's busy, people are insane and than some people even have grandmas in the backseat making the phrase backseat driver an understatement.

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