Chapter 19: Close as Strangers

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My Other Half

Chapter 19: Close as Strangers

Letting go is one of the best feelings in the world. You've accomplished something and have put it in the past without hurting yourself or others. It's the best feeling in the world knowing you're ready to start over.

When Matthew left the hospital I finally knew I was ready to let go and move on. The best part of it all was that he was ready and willing to let go as well. I'll never forget him though, he was my first love.

I peak my head in my dad's door, "I love you daddy. See you tomorrow alright?" I state giving him my bigggest smile as a blow him a kiss.

I shut the door behind me and make my way out the hospital. I locate my Mini Cooper through all the cars and hop in the drivers seat.

I know you're probably thinking I'm some rich girl that can use daddy's money. That's just not true though. I've had a job since grade ten and recently just quit to focus on getting in university. My dad and I made a deal that he would pay for half if I payed for half and all the insurance and regular check ups. I know it's stupid but where I want to go to university isn't too far from here and I can always just live at home now that I have a car to transport back and forth in.

I pull in my driveway to notice Ashton's familiar black car.

I open my front door and notice his black original vans right beside my own at the front entrance. The only difference between his and mine is that his are freaking whale size compared to mine.

No offense to whales.

I walk in my kitchen to see my grandma near the stove cooking something that smells awfully like pasta and my grandpa and Ashton sitting at the kitchen table discussing football or what I still call it and my grandparents, soccer.

Ashton notices me first. He stands up and pulls me into a hug. I hesitantly hug him back.

"Trying to get in my grandparents good book I see?" I tease him rubbing soft circles on his back.

"Maybe." He replies pulling apart and grinning at me.

"Sweetie just in time. Dinners ready and I made pasta because I know that's your favorite." My grandma states placing four bowls of steaming hot spaghetti and meatballs on the table.

"Thanks grandma." I state kissing her on the cheek before sitting myself down next to Ashton's original seat.

My grandma places a jug of lemonade and some water on the table for us to pour ourselves.

I reach for the lemonade just as Ashton does our hands brushing. I quickly pull mine away and blush shyly.

"Want some?" He asks taking the lid off.

"Yes, please." I state placing my glass in front of him.

Ashton pours the juice in my glass than into his own before offering my grandparents any which they quickly decline to.

"So Ashton, Brianna told us that you just did some shows in London." My grandpa states.

Ashton nods taking a quick sip of his juice before muttering a yes.

"How was that?" My grandpa asks. "First time you've been?"

Ashton places his glass back on the table, "It was amazing. The UK fans seem to really like us which doesn't make much sense to me or any of the boys but it's perfect." Ashton states before twirling a bit of spaghetti on his fork and munching it down.

My grandma smiles in admiration.

"The boys and I have been to London and all around the UK and Europe loads of times. Actually just a few months ago we finished touring with One Direction which was all around Europe and North America." Ashton states before taking another sip of his juice.

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