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Hi I changed a bit of my concept I said she will have a relationship with both but not won't happen this way...it will short shots.

It was dark a room with dimmed light

... aaahhh aaahhh.... don't stop push push naa
Laksh plz do more push!!!

Yeah the man is Laksh pushing his manhood in his love Ragini.

Laksh; ohh Ragini plz keep quiet n let me do my way...

Ragini; but Laksh... ok u know what? Remove that stupid rubber. Laksh; r u sure? U want me to remove the condom. Ragini; yeah I'm sure I take the pill. Just do me the favour n remove it.

Laksh removes it n again he enters her soft part.

Ragini moans in pleasure..

.. oh Laksh!!! Aaahhh ohh Laksh!!!

This moan of her made him wilder now he was having fun too n starts to bite her giving her many love bites...

... aaahh Laksh!!! Deeper!!!

Laksh was already inside her but not fully her hands land on his bottom she pressed his bottom down his hips were clashing on hers

....aaaahhhh she clutches her nails in his buttocks.

Laksh was out of his breath like she was when they stopped.

Laksh; looked at her. U always have to poke into my work?

Ragini was smiling at him. I was abt to come n could feel that u too were abt to come. I made it just perfect for both of us.

Laksh kisses her lips he bites them. They were smooching when the phone rings.

Laksh got angry. Who is calling u on this time?

Ragini too was angry. Baby how do I know? Let me check.... Ratan!

Laksh; what oh no y isn't he leaving u. He knows that we r in a relationship?

Ragini looked at him with an open mouth. Haan Laksh he knows it but still he tries on me.

Laksh; disconnect... Ragini wanted to protest but Laksh lips were sealing hers.

She mistakenly touched the side of her phone to accept the call.

Ragini starts to give small moans Ratan was hearing it n was becoming horny.

Laksh was kissing n nipping her lips. Ragini; Laksh no... don't do that bad thing with me. Laksh turns over her side n landed on her phone. No the call was disconnected.

Ratan was fuming in anger. He wanted her but as long as Laksh is with her she won't give him a chance.

Laksh biting her earlobe he was chewing it. His tongue was licking the ear.

Ragini was already in her mood of love.

Laksh was entering her again Ragini did nothing this time all it was his doing

... Laksh!!! Aaahh aaahhh ohh aaaaaaaaa hhaaa Laksh I'm coming aaaahhh

He fills her with his cum. Now he was sleeping over her still inside her she too was sleeping under him not letting him out...

New Info RagLak r in a living-in relationship both have an apartment.

Laksh hates Ratan
Ratan wants Ragini
But Ragini only loves Laksh.

Both RagLak r having a good sex life n r everyday intimate in different ways

Ratan will try to break their relationship let's see if he succeeds.

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